DynebolicFaq : dyne:bolic homepage

Run dyne:bolic 2.x on Qemu!

So you want to run dyne:bolic 2.x on Qemu? It is fairly easy, if you've got some minimal knowledge of GNU/Linux!

Mind that this page will not describe how you can configure Qemu on your GNU/Linux system, so you should have Qemu and the KQemu module installed on it. There are plenty of HOWTOs on this, and since I'm running Gentoo, here's the one that helped me out. The KQemu module (which used to be close source, but as of version 1.3.0pre10 is under the GNU/GPL) is not necessary, but mind that it will give a great speed boost in loading and running dyne:bolic, so I recommend it.

Steps to run dyne:bolic on Qemu are pretty straightforward, depends on how you want to run dyne:bolic:

DynebolicFaq : dyne:bolic homepage

Added by TommyDrum for the community on 05/12/2007. Please update and contribute!