= Package software for APT.dyne.org = http://apt.dyne.org is our deb package repository serving binary builds for both Debian and Ubuntu systems. It is operated using '''reprepro''' and its skeleton configuration is revisioned on '''git://code.dyne.org:dyne-apt.git''' (without the actual binary packages) The dyne-apt repository also includes scripts to create the special '''dyne.deb''' installer which facilitates adding the source for users It currently includes a package repository for Debian and Ubuntu users. For a complete reference see the [[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ | Debian New Maintainer guide]] == Build a package == To build packages we use '''git-buildpackage''' and in our software repositories are present the branches ''debian0'' and ''ubuntu0'' (or higher numbers...) ready for its use. You will need to be maintainer or uploader of the package and have your GnuPG keys at hand. First switch to the debian0 (or ubuntu0) branch: {{{ git co debian0 }}} use dch to update the debian/changelog (for example to 1.2): {{{ dch -v 1.2 }}} optionally update debian/control with new dependencies, then check debian/gbp.conf where the build-area is configured and copy there the source .tar.gz (produced by ''make distcheck'') renamed using debian directives (downcase, version separated by underscore, .orig. before .tar.gz) {{{ cp Tomb-1.2.tar.gz ~/devel/build-area/tomb_1.2.orig.tar.gz }}} then finally run '''git-buildpackage''' to produce binary and source packages to build for a different target (for instance for i386 on an amd64 machine) use a pre-created with '''cowbuilder --build tomb_1.2-2.dsc''' == Add to apt.dyne.org == To add a package apt.dyne.org the dyne.org software key is needed, current maintainer is Jaromil == Add to Debian-dyne == Our repository collects debian packages under the distribution name 'dyne': {{{ Origin: dyne.org Codename: dyne Components: main Architectures: source i386 amd64 }}} the command to add it to reprepro is {{{ reprepro includedsc tomb_1.2-2.dsc }}} {{{ reprepro includedeb tomb_1.2-1_amd64.deb }}} == Add to Ubuntu-dyne == {{{ Origin: dyne.org Codename: dyne AlsoAcceptFor: lucid karmic natty oeniric Components: main Architectures: source i386 amd64 }}} The Ubuntu repository is fed by PPA which are updated as feeds into our repo, meaning that to build Ubuntu packages you don't need to setup a pbuilder environment, rather than just prepare the package and push it to your PPA to be built, making sure your PPA is added to our dyne-apt.