= Cyberdeck = This is the Cyberdeck Collectible Card Game wiki, this wiki is intended for developing ideas about cyberdeck. Until today those are the ideas for the CyberDeck Project. are listed in developing order * '''[[CyberdeckCCG]]''' (Cyberdeck Collectible Card Game). The Card game is ready, rules and cards. Everything is accessible from www.cyberdeckgame.net. Status 1.0 * '''[[CyberdeckOG]]''' (Cyberdeck Online Game). This is the client and server to play Cyberdeck online against other players over internet. (developed in Ruby and SDL). Status 0.1a * '''[[CyberdeckSG]]''' (Cyberdeck Standalone Game). Used to test deck, permit to play against an AI. (Ruby, SDL, Lua). Status none * '''[[CyberdeckWB]]''' (Cyberdeck webgame). This will be the Webgame fashioned in Cyberdeck World, where you can play cyberdeck for a scope, it will permit to Play a Role (RPG) more than other Webgame. Status none * '''[[CyberdeckMMORPG]]''' (Cyberdeck Massive Multimedia Online Role Playing Game). This is the final step, a 3d world wehre you interact with other people... more RPG tnat any other. Status none the authors of the CCG game are Robert J. Newmark aka Pierluigi Maori Sundog aka Francesco Arcarese Yonderboy aka Giuliano Fidanza the game has been released under CC-no-comm-no-deriv italian version on registeredcommons.org. All the game will be released under CC, all the software under GPL (or LGPG where is not possible to use GPL). to help on CyberdeckWorldIdeas click here : impressions, ideas, name, places and world description to help on CyberdeckCards click here : new cards