= CyberdeckOG = This is the Cyberdeck Online Game wiki page, write down ideas on the online game The online game is developed with * a multiplatform client written in ruby/sdl * a server written in (rubyonrails or perl), that will talk on HTTP protocol the client will permit to search a game on the server, post a game, manage a deck, see statistic and setting client options. the standalone play (against a computer player) will be written in [[CyberdeckSG]] ideas as follow the client thoose are the object Menus - menu manager Sdlmng - audio video and input mananger Connector - manage comunication with server, it has inside also the xml managment, get and return object Logs - manage logs Match - start the match and create the MCP Mcp - Master Control Program, manage the match User - manage the users Deck - mangae the decks, drawing, shuffle, research Card - manage Cards getting the info from server Turnmgr - manage turns Cybers - manage the field of game that is until today 7.3.8 the flow: first it load the menu with intro and menu managment (option, deck management, search and post a game, statistic). Then when a match is choosen, load match. Match load Mcp that load TurnMgr TurnMgr ask to the server if it's his turn. if not wait for some event. if there is an event, Turnmgr send on video the request to accomplish if the turn it's his, wait for a move, catchit, check if it's valid and perform the request to server The server will be in rubyonrails, 2 pieces, a process called wcserv (web cyberdeck server) that run on the webserver, get the request in xml from the client and ask for data to the ccserv (console cyberdeck server) that is a demon that runs on the server, it mantein all the data about the matches in memory and manage the match. on DB store the data about statistics, users, login session and so on.