#acl FreaknetGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read = Firefox RICCHIONE = Settare il NERO per evitare il WHITE FLASH <> == Peto == {{{ Type about:config in the URL bar Search toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets and double-click the field to set it to true }}} == Colon == {{{ In about:config, change browser.display.background_color to the color of your choice, head to Firefox’s profile folder by finding it in about:profiles under “Root Directory”, go to the chrome subfolder, open/create userChrome.css and append the following CSS (replacing #1D1B19 by the color of your choice): #browser vbox#appcontent tabbrowser, #content, #tabbrowser-tabpanels, browser[type=content-primary],browser[type=content] > html { background: #1D1B19 !important } }}}