#acl kysucix:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read,write = STREAMING VIDEO WITH FREEJ = En [[FreejStreaming.es|EspaƱol]] <> Now with [[http://freej.org|freej]] you can stream video on internet to an [[http://icecast.org|icecast]] server ! You just need icecast >=2.2. (download it [[http://www.icecast.org/download.php|here]] ) call it iptv, webtv, video streaming... you can send easily audio and video trought internet. it's compatible with every [[http://wiki.v2v.cc/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki/OggTheoraPlayer|oggtheora player]]: * [[http://www.mplayerhq.hu|mplayer]] * [[http://xinehq.de/|xine]] * [[http://www.videolan.org/|vlc]] (on macosx, window$) * [[http://www.scvi.net/cortado.htm|cortado]] java applet * every [[http://sam.zoy.org/photos/20001128%20-%20piaule%20de%20Sam/003%20-%20marteau%20Windows%202000.jpeg|window$]] player installing this [[http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/|theora codec for windows]] == INSTALLING == If you want to stream just [[http://freej.dyne.org/?info=download|download the latest version of FreeJ]] and install it: compile it from source with {{{ ./configure && make }}} install it with: {{{ make install }}} or install one of the binary packages provided == USAGE == Since version '''0.9''' streaming is configured via scripting, the full documentation is available on http://freej.dyne.org/docs/scripting/VideoEncoder.html As the scripting API is progressing, some details are changing across versions, check your freej version with 'freej -v' and see the possibilities below: Change the settings to your server configuration and run the script during your performance (load it dynamically with ctrl-j from the console) to start streaming. === streaming with version 0.10 === {{{ // create a jack audio input // port name buffer size samlerate audio = new AudioJack("alsaplayer", 2048, 44100); // in case the port named is not already present: // you should connect the input manually using jack // create a video encoder object // values 1-100 video quality video bitrate audio quality audio_bitrate encoder = new VideoEncoder(10, 64000, 0, 24000); // add the audio channel in the video encoded encoder.add_audio(audio); encoder.stream_host("giss.tv"); encoder.stream_port(8000); encoder.stream_title("testing new freej"); encoder.stream_username("source"); encoder.stream_password("2t645"); encoder.stream_mountpoint("freej-test.ogg"); register_encoder(encoder); encoder.start_stream(); //encoder.start_filesave('/mnt/hd1/3/video/luminescenza.ogg'); }}} === streaming with version 0.9 === Here a simple example script: {{{ // create a video encoder object // values 1-100 video quality video bitrate audio quality audio_bitrate encoder = new VideoEncoder(10, 64000, 5, 24000); encoder.stream_host("giss.tv"); encoder.stream_port(8000); encoder.stream_title("testing new freej"); encoder.stream_username("source"); encoder.stream_password("hackme"); encoder.stream_mountpoint("freej-test.ogg"); register_encoder(encoder); encoder.start_stream(); //// uncomment the line below to save on a local file as well: // encoder.start_filesave("prova.ogg"); }}} === streaming with version 0.8 or older === Users acquainted with the 0.8 version please note the ctrl-w key doesn't works anymore, now the stream is started from a script and scripts can be loaded dinamically. Versions before 0.8 cannot stream! update yourself and join the online sensation! == How to include into a WebSite ? == For example like that {{{ }}} or like that {{{ test
}}} But also using the Cortado java applet which works well especially when it is embedded into iTheora http://giss.tv offers free video streaming hosting for hacktivists to quickly satisfy your pirate TV lust, Har Har Har! Happy hacking ;)