## page was renamed from UbuntuPurification ## page was renamed from UbuntuAvoidPasswords #acl FreaknetGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read = GNU/Linux PURIFICATION = {{attachment:fuck2.jpg}} '''Last update: Mar 24, 2024''' <> Once upon a time, this was a page dedicated only to ubuntu distro; since many years I'm not using that shit anymore so this page evolved for general usage; the tricks described can be applied (with some minor tweaks) to almost any distro. It's also my personal notepad for installing / dealing with my laptop, actually a Lenovo Thinkpad X220 I used Linux Mint for a lot of time, but they passed to the dark side ot that shitty cancer called systemd. Now I'm using OUR distro, DEVUAN, a systemd-free old style full working GNU/Linux system! http://devuan.org :) If you want to help developing this document, please write to asbesto (at) gmail {dot} com Old version of this document is [[UbuntuPurificationOld]] Check also: * [[Enlightenment]] * DebianSettings * ThinkpadFanControl == Fresh devuan install: CLEANUP and SHIT == First we eradicate all the poettering bloatware shit, then we install what's needed in a serious UNIX system. {{{ apt purge pulseaudio avahi-daemon avahi-autoipd ## note: unfortunately you need pulseshit for fldigi :( apt install joe mc openssh-server build-essential apt-file qasmixer aptitude bsdgames updatedb apt-file update }}} NOTE: They BROKE "locate", now we have locate, mlocate and plocate. OBVIOUSLY they messed up the db format so they're not compatible anymore. Please check the related section. :( Other stuff I purge: {{{ apt purge network-manager pcscd brltty }}} == THIS FUCKING ATTITUDE == of browsers that don't mind their own fucking business and decide for you what's secure and what'not jesus FUCKING CHRIST === Chrome === TO BE CONTINUED === Firefox === TLS SHIT {{{ (1) In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter/Return. Click the button promising to be careful. (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste TLS and pause while the list is filtered (3) If the security.tls.version.max preference is bolded and "user set" to a value other than 3, right-click > Reset the preference to restore the default value of 3 (4) If the security.tls.version.min preference is bolded and "user set" to a value other than 1, right-click > Reset the preference to restore the default value of 1 The values for these preferences mean: 1 => TLS 1.0 2 => TLS 1.1 3 => TLS 1.2 }}} {{{ Turn off / Disable Firefox “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter. 1) A warning page may appear. Click Accept the Risk and Continue. 2) Change the following settings: security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled = false security.certerrors.permanentOverride = false network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist = false security.enterprise_roots.enabled = true 3) Restart Firefox to apply changes. }}} == FAN CONTROL on thinkpad L480 et al == You need to install thinkfan then you need to enable the control mode for module thinkpad_acpi: {{{ echo 'options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf }}} and '''reboot'''. then I use those scripts in /usr/local/sbin: fan {{{ #!/bin/bash echo level full-speed > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan }}} sparafan {{{ #!/bin/bash echo level full-speed > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan root@curiosity:~# cat /usr/local/sbin/fan #!/bin/bash case $1 in 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|auto|disengaged|full-speed) echo level $1 > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan ;; max|full|fullspeed|ofunnu|spara|sparata|culo) echo level full-speed > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan ;; *) echo "WHAT THE FUCK IS $1?" ;; esac }}} == BLUETOOTH problems? == === Device connected but there's NOTHING in any audio mixer! === I found this: * https://askubuntu.com/questions/481951/bluetooth-headset-connects-but-not-showing-in-sound-settings Extending upon Mark's answer, which basically did the trick for me. The problem is that the bluetooth service tries to load the pulseaudio bluetooth module at startup, which fails because they require X11 to be running. You need to change the configuration so that the pulseaudio bluetooth module is loaded after X11. Tell the bluetooth service to not load the module. To do this, edit /etc/pulse/default.pa and comment out these lines by putting # characters in front of them: {{{ .ifexists module-bluetooth-discover.so load-module module-bluetooth-discover .endif }}} Configure the module to be loaded after X11. To do this, edit /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 and add two lines: {{{ if [ x"$DISPLAY" != x ] ; then # ... # Add these lines: /usr/bin/pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover /usr/bin/pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect fi }}} Restart pulseaudio and bluetooh. Either reboot your machine or use the following commands: {{{pulseaudio -k start-pulseaudio-x11 sudo service bluetooth restart }}} This way, the pulseaudio bluetooth module should be working and Volume Control (pavucontrol) should detect the bluetooth device and list it under input and output devices. === What I did, PORCODDIO === {{{ as user: /usr/bin/pactl unload-module module-bluetooth-discover /usr/bin/pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover /usr/bin/pactl unload-module module-switch-on-connect /usr/bin/pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect pulseaudio -k start-pulseaudio-x11 as root: service bluetooth restart echo DIOCANEEEEEEEEEEEEEE }}} == Too many password asked. Why removing them? Is it safe? == Typical situation is: my laptop have only my personal account in it, and no other users. no open ports, no ssh server, no telnet, no shared folders, no samba, nothing. I'm the only user of it. {{{ So I log in (password), and configure a printer (password), I check network settings (password) install packages (password), remove a package (password again) become su (password), use sudo! (another password), configure stuff in gnome (password again) configure a new network connection (password again!!!) quit the system (another password!!!) }}} ''THIS - IS - FUCKING - STUPID'' This document contain useful hints to CLEAN UP THIS MESS, obtaining a nice working GNU/Linux system instead of the crap installed and configured by default. == Automatic login without password == It's MY computer, in MY house, so why the FUCK i have to type my password to log in X-Windows?!? {{{ System - Administration - Login and select the damn user }}} You can select this while installing Linux Mint. === Get rid of all those asked passwords === Create a file named '''/etc/pam.d/common-pamkeyring''' with this inside: {{{ auth optional pam_keyring.so try_first_pass session optional pam_keyring.so }}} Edit '''/etc/pam.d/slim''' as follow: (it can be slim or mdm, gdm, lightdm or whatever - check it out) add {{{ @include common-pamkeyring }}} at the bottom, and please COMMENT OUT those lines: {{{ # auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so # session optional pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start }}} Create, if doesn't exist, the '''wheel''' group, editing '''/etc/group''', and add your user to it {{{ vi /etc/group }}} /etc/sudoers check into sudoers.d for files to be included. This is fucking stupid. Let's just edito /etc/sudoers instead as it has to be: --(Edit '''/etc/sudoers.d/MyOverrides''', using '''visudo -f''')-- {{{ visudo -f /etc/sudoers }}} Comment out the @includedir at the bottom, and add: {{{ %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL yourusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL }}} Edit '''/etc/pam.d/sudo''' adding at bottom: {{{ auth sufficient pam_rootok.so auth required pam_wheel.so auth sufficient pam_wheel.so trust }}} Edit '''/etc/pam.d/su''' enabling this line (just uncomment it): {{{ # Uncomment this if you want wheel members to be able to # su without a password. auth sufficient pam_wheel.so trust }}} == The Incredible Idiocy: PolicyKit == As I stated in ubuntuforums time ago: ''I'm used to work on MY computer, with MY login, and no other logins; it's in MY home, and it don't run away to search for malicious users. It's MY PC in MY HOUSE. For this I log in automagically with no password asking. I have automagic "su" and "sudo" without password (that is STUPID because I'm root on MY machine, and there are NO other users). But now I have some very annoying issues about this damn thing called "System Policy", for which I can't, just to say, do a shutdown of my machine under Gnome because "System policy prevents stopping the system when other users are logged". And this just because I have some root terminals left open. This is very, very stupid. And so on, this damn system policy crap keep asking me the same damn password for everything: wifi connections, login/ssh to other machines, mounting of devices, and so on. Please, PLEASE. Does someone know HOW TO KILL this stupid thing? How to get rid of all those unuseful, boring, recursive and idiot password requests? please somebody help me, I'm going nuts for this.'' I got an official warning and the thread was closed by administrator. The PolicyKit was a so stupid PIECE OF CRAP that now is no more used. But for the unfortunate users that have this stinking corpse running in the system, here's a solution. Assuming you have sudo settings as above, do {{{ usermod -aG sudo yourname }}} Replace "username" with your actual user name. Now switch to root: {{{ sudo -i }}} Create a new policy: {{{ vi /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/fuck-passwords.pkla }}} Add this: {{{ [Install package file] Identity=unix-group:sudo Action=* ResultActive=yes }}} Save, exit, and reboot. No more Policy Kit password requests! === OLD POLKIT VERSION patch === As stated in the man page just edit '''/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf''' as here: {{{ }}} and restart the whole X damn thing '''NOW LIVE IN HAPPINESS''' == dmesg not permitted from user anymore? Debian developers, are you fucking dumb? == THEY decided that a normal user can't see system logs. {{{ asbesto@curiosity:~$ dmesg dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted asbesto@curiosity:~$ }}} To revert this abomination, do this as root {{{ sysctl kernel.dmesg_restrict=0 }}} AND CURSE THEM ALL To make this persistent: {{{ echo kernel.dmesg_restrict = 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/10-local.conf >/dev/null cat /etc/sysctl.d/10-local.conf kernel.dmesg_restrict = 0 }}} After changing the file, to make the changes effective the user either needs to reboot or run as root: {{{ service procps restart }}} == ls output with quotes? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT == From https://superuser.com/questions/1376351/why-does-ls-wrap-some-filenames-in-single-quotes : '' This was a highly unpopular feature introduced to version 8.25 of the GNU coreutils package as recently as 2016, by a consensus of just three developers. Arguments cited by critics of the change include that it makes the output of ls look considerably more unsightly, unnecessarily diverges from nearly half a century of Unix tradition, and due to the way it was implemented (opt-out instead of opt-in) breaks compatibility with long-standing existing scripts and utilities. '' Solution: Use the QUOTING_STYLE environment variable Find your ~/.bashrc file in your HOME folder (/home/yourusername), and add the following line to it: {{{ export QUOTING_STYLE=literal }}} Save the file, and the change should apply immediately to all new bash terminals that you open. You can also run source ~/.bashrc to have the changes be pushed to any terminal windows that were open at the time of making the change. == Potentially unsafe paste MY ASS == Yuo copy / paste code into a terminal under X. Now this happens: '''WARNING, POTENTIAL UNSAFE PASTE''' How to disable this FUCKING REQUESTER: '''Open up the terminal, click on edit, click on preferences, and untick the box. That should do it.''' Who invented this pile of turds must DIE NOW. == put DIRECTORIES BEFORE FILES in the fucking GTK == do this: {{{ gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first true }}} or {{{ apt install dconf-cli && dconf write /org/gtk/settings/file-chooser/sort-directories-first true }}} or install and run the program dconf-editor. Then go to org->gtk->settings->file-chooser, then activate the option sort-directories-first. '''What the fuck is wrong with those idiots that mix directories and files? FUCK THEM ALL''' == Chrome Insecure download blocked / unverified, and this fucking trend about messing up with user's choiches == Launch Chromium or Chrome with {{{ --disable-features=InsecureDownloadWarnings }}} WHAT THE FUCK == THIS FUCKING TOUCHPAD == NOTE: IT'S WORKING OUT OF THE BOX after installing DEVUAN Daedalus and xfce. Just had to check "tap to click" on [[Enlightenment]]. If you want to enable edge scrolling, you MUST disable two finger scroll to make it work. == About the poettering shit: avahi and pulseaudio removal == avahi and pulseaudio. Never saw such a pile of CRAP. let apt purge be, as shown before. If you have some software that use pulseaudio crap and that you want to keep, use apt-mark. For example, I have this problem with pd-extended, so {{{ apt-mark hold pd-extended # (because it depend on the pulseaudio-utils crap!!!) }}} So, to remove pulseaudio crap, use: {{{ apt-get --ignore-hold purge pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio pavucontrol }}} To install everything needed for ALSA sound: {{{ apt-get install alsa-base alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils alsa-oss alsamixergui libalsaplayer0 }}} === Installing software that require that pulseaudio CRAP as dependency === Example: pd-extended is by default compiled / linked / whatever to the fucking pulseaudio CRAP. In my Linux Mint it depends on the package ''pulseaudio-utils''. So, let's create a '''FAKE pulseaudio-utils package''', just to keep apt quiet about it. Install the "equivs" package: {{{ apt-get install equivs }}} and use it to create a fake pkg description: {{{ equivs-control pulseaudio-utils }}} This will create a file named '''pulseaudio-utils''' in the local directory. Edit it to something like this: (you can just copy this stuff into it: it works! :) ) {{{ Section: misc Priority: optional Standards-Version: 3.9.2 Package: pulseaudio-utils Version: 1:42 Maintainer: Fuck Pulseaudio Architecture: all Description: Pulseaudio FUCK YOU! }}} Note the '''Version''': it prevent any overinstallation due to the very high value (42 ;) ) Now, create the fake package: {{{ equivs-build ./pulseaudio-utils }}} And now, just install it: {{{ dpkg -i ./pulseaudio-utils_42_all.deb }}} And so, now the dependency is satisfied and you have not to worry anymore! You can now install pd-extended and tweak his configuration to work with ALSA or JACK. ;) * Very useful reference: http://shallowsky.com/blog/linux/install/blocking-deb-dependencies.html === mplayer and pulseaudio/alsa setup === You must configure the audio output in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf as follow: {{{ # fuck pulse, use alsa, then SDL video ao=alsa,sdl }}} === updatedb, locate, mlocate is now BROKEN === Here I just say 2 things: * DEBIAN SHIT!!! * YOU CAN'T INSTALL "mlocate", instead of "locate" because a bunch of ASSHOLES deprecated it !!! So, if you are like me and keep databases of your hard disk backups since 10 years ago, you can't search those databases anymore. GOOD JOB, ASSHOLES I solved installed THIS OLD BUT WORKING PACKAGE * http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mlocate/mlocate_0.26-5_amd64.deb {{{ risolto VAFFANCULO mo' lo PINPOINTO e BLACKLISTO plocate porco il loro DIO DI MERDA root@curiosity:~# apt-mark hold mlocate e vaffanculo PORCODDIO }}} === audacious mp3 player === It must be configured (ctrl-p) as follow: {{{ ALSA, Sysdefault:card=mid hda intel mix default analog audio dev, mixer hw:0 hda intel mid, mixer element PCM. }}} === ALSA and BLUETOOTH. FORGET IT! === '''EXPERIMENTAL: I FAILED. I can have a bt connection and direct aplay to use it, but there's no fucking way to switch from computer to bluetooth in any mixer I tried. So it's fucking useless apart from command line.''' Scratchpad follow * https://github.com/Arkq/bluez-alsa sbc is needed: {{{ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/sbc.git cd sbc/ less INSTALL ./bootstrap-configure ./configure make sudo make install }}} {{{ root@rover:~# apt-get remove pulseaudio Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libpulsedsp libsbc1 libwebrtc-audio-processing1 pulseaudio-utils rtkit Use 'apt autoremove' to remove them. The following packages will be REMOVED: pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 1 not upgraded. After this operation, 6,285 kB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] (Reading database ... 146018 files and directories currently installed.) Removing pulseaudio-module-bluetooth (10.0-1+deb9u1) ... Removing pulseaudio (10.0-1+deb9u1) ... Processing triggers for man-db ( ... root@rover:~# asbesto@rover:~/Desktop/src$ git clone https://github.com/Arkq/bluez-alsa.git Cloning into 'bluez-alsa'... remote: Enumerating objects: 104, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (104/104), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (75/75), done. remote: Total 3213 (delta 49), reused 62 (delta 28), pack-reused 3109 Receiving objects: 100% (3213/3213), 1.24 MiB | 1.05 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (2472/2472), done. asbesto@rover:~/Desktop/src$ cd bluez-alsa/ }}} REQUIREMENTS: sudo apt install libbluetooth-dev libfdk-aac-dev libfdk-aac1 {{{ asbesto@rover:~/Desktop/src/bluez-alsa$ autoreconf --install (blah blah) mkdir build && cd build }}} NOTE: NO /usr/local prefix here, I want config files in the right places. {{{ ../configure --enable-aac --enable-ofono --enable-debug make sudo make install }}} launch "bluealsa" from /etc/rc.local {{{ bluealsa -S & }}} {{{ cat > ~/.asoundrc defaults.bluealsa.service "org.bluealsa" defaults.bluealsa.device "55:0B:D4:79:E3:30" defaults.bluealsa.profile "a2dp" defaults.bluealsa.delay 10000 aplay -D bluealsa file.wav works! }}} No mixer can see / recognize the "bluealsa" device. FUCK THIS SHIT AND: ''It is not possible to run more than one instance of the BlueALSA server per D-Bus interface. If one tries to run second instance, it will fail with the "Couldn't acquire D-Bus name: org.bluealsa" error message. This message might also appear when D-Bus policy does not allow acquiring "org.bluealsa" name for a particular user - by default only root is allowed to start BlueALSA server.'' what the actual FUCK '''TO REVERT AND RE-INSTALL PULSESHIT''' Uninstall bluez-alsa from the install directory (enter "build" dir and do make uninstall) and {{{ apt install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth }}} Sorry. If you want alsa instead of pulseshit, you can't use bluetooth. NOTE: I had chrome on external bt audio and telegram on pc auto. To set default output: {{{ pactl set-default-sink 1 }}} tnx to Nightolo! :) {{{ asbesto@rover:~$ pactl list sinks > petazzo asbesto@rover:~$ pactl list sources >> petazzo asbesto@rover:~$ pacmd list sink-inputs > petazzo asbesto@rover:~$ pactl set-default-sink 1 asbesto@rover:~$ }}} === Acrobat reader for linux === Get it from here: ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/ {{{ dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update dpkg -i Desktop/AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb }}} After that, fix the broken install shit and install the last requirement: {{{ apt --fix-broken install apt install libxml2:i386 }}} That's it! === Debian Suggested and Recommended package automatic installation === Sometimes the default behaviour of Debian is to install unuseful CRAP as "recommended" and "suggested" packages. Here's how to avoid it: {{{ vim /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/fucksuggested.conf }}} {{{ APT:Install-Recommends "0"; APT:Install-Suggests "0"; }}} ''(thanks to Franco Lanza for this hint! ;) )'' === ls -la: BAD sorting order === The normal behaviour of '''ls -la''' command since beginning of UNIX is, and has to be: {{{ -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 May 3 18:32 .aaa -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 May 3 18:33 .fff -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 May 3 18:33 DDD -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 May 3 18:33 EEE -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 May 3 18:32 bbb -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 May 3 18:32 ccc }}} Now with all this LOCALE SHIT around, you can obtain this: {{{ -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 may 3 18:32 .aaa -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 may 3 18:32 bbb -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 may 3 18:32 ccc -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 may 3 18:33 DDD -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 may 3 18:33 EEE -rw-r--r-- 1 sm01 sm01 0 may 3 18:33 .fff }}} If you want to avoid this fucking abomination, just add {{{ export LC_COLLATE="C" }}} to your .bash_profile .zshrc or /etc/rc.local ;) ''(Thanks to Fabio "Elettrico" Moretti for this hint ;) )'' === Pulseaudio CRAP === Pulseaudio is CRAP added for stupid reasons. A system without Pulseaudio is more responsive and everything work fine without this fucking daemon sucking about 13% of a Netbook CPU. So, get rid of it! On my Linux Mint 15 Mate Edition, I just removed it: {{{ apt-get purge pulseaudio }}} Nothing has changed on my system, and so I have 13% CPU free :) I can play everything as usual. === Command not found handler === I hate it. It slow the responsivness of my shell. so {{{ apt-get remove command-not-found command-not-found-data }}} === Close this terminal? === Are you kidding? YES, CLOSE THAT FUCKING TERMINAL, HOLY SHIT Terminal asking "Close this terminal? There is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it" is '''really, really stupid and BORING'''. Install dconf-tools {{{apt-get install dconf-tools}}} Launch dconf-editor -> org -> mate -> terminal -> global -> untick confirm_window_close === Sticky Windows at edges === The most annoying thing in the entire world. The great stupid thing is that you have '''''compiz installed without the tool for configuring it!''''' so, '''apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager''' and check out the '''snapping windows''' option in the '''''window management''''' section of the compiz config editor, that is under '''''system - preferences''''' menu. This setup can also be found into other parts of Desktop Manager configuration... === USEFUL programs that are not installed by default === * traceroute - incredible. traceroute is not installed by default. O_O * compizconfig-settings-manager (compiz INSTALLED and NOT CONFIGURABLE? STUPID!) * openssh-server (this is SO FUGKING STUPID!) * mc * gimp * joe === SHIT to be removed === * f-spot * totem (totally unuseful!) * conduit (Who give a FUCK to sync ?!?) == OLD STUFF == === OLD: IDIOT keyring password === It will be asked again and again. Every time the same FUCKING password. Just to open a thing that contain THE SAME PASSWORD ITSELF. Delete the folder '''''$home/.gnome2/keyrings''''' which holds the keyring info. Once you do that it wont ask again. On Mint 13 - Maya (mate edition), these files are at: '''$home/.config/mate/keyrings''' ''(Thanks to Derrik Arenal for the suggestion!)'' === OLD: Disable the damn Gnome Keyring Manager Password === Where is it in Mint 17? {{{ FUCK MINT 17 KEEPS ASKING PASSWORDS AND KEYRING FILE IS NO MORE IN THE PLACe THIS IS AN EMERGENCY PLEASE HELP WHERE THE HELL IT IS NOW -jrml }}} === Old UBUNTU-related stuff === ==== Threads about stupid things added in Ubuntu ==== * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9440671 * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1229939 60 seconds delay at shutdown request. * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1232140 same as before * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8954666 Log off password!!! * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1233849 Too many passwords asked, a lot of stupid answers, and the thread CLOSED while discussing. O_o * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1232131 The "System Policy" CRAP, another thread CLOSED by administrators! O_O ==== Totem ==== Totem is installed by default. But it's UNABLE to open ANYTHING. WHY? NO CODECS INSTALLED! O_O ==== Ubuntu 10.04 horrible windows layout ==== The default windows appearence in Ubuntu 10.04 is a SHAME. The golden rule ''"Never change the terrain under user's feets"'' is now totally wiped out from developer's mind. Tons of problems to fix, and those ''developers'' chose to change the system appearence?!? O_o To revert back to the default Ubuntu layout: '''System -> Preferences -> Appearence''' and select the Clearlooks Theme. ==== No icons on desktop in 10.04 ! ==== Where are the Home, System and the Trashcan icons? Is Nautilus broken? Is this a bug? No. They choosed to disable them by default. They are '''GREAT ASSHOLES'''. It's really incredible how those ''developers'' are happy to change the terrain under user's feets. This is the DUMBEST thing to do while administrating a system. Just open '''gconf-editor''', go to '''Apps -> Nautilus -> Desktop''' and check every xxxx_icon_visible you need. ==== THIS FUCKING TOUCHPAD (OLD PROBLEMS) ==== Once it was working. They broke it. Again. Now, I have installed here xserver-xorg-input(libinput AND synaptics). I don't touch anything than /etc/X11/xorg.conf, with this inside: {{{ Section "Device" Identifier "Sucaminchia" Driver "intel" EndSection Section "dri" Mode 0666 EndSection Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton2" "2" Option "TapButton3" "3" Option "VertEdgeScroll" "on" Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "on" EndSection }}} On my thinkpad this is all I need. Touchpad is now working. On the ASUS computer I have installed xinput (but I don't use it so I think isn't needed) and synclient. Now, I can use synclient. To enable tap to click: synclient TapButton1=1 Before, I had the edge scroll area TOO BIG, so to enlarge the touch pad area: synclient RightEdge=6100 There's NO FUCKING WAY to save those settings: everything in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ is totally IGNORED. So I tried .xsessionrc but it wasn't working either!!! I had to create /usr/local/bin/synmerda: {{{ #!/bin/bash sleep 5 /usr/bin/synclient TapButton1=1 /usr/bin/synclient RightEdge=6100 touch /tmp/usrlocalbin-synmerda }}} the 5 sec delay is NECESSARY because if not, for some FUCKING REASON, synclient settings can't work! FUUUUUUCK and this in .xsessionrc: {{{ /usr/local/bin/synmerda & touch /tmp/PUTTANAMADONNA-puntoxsessionrc }}} == LICENSE, About this document, Terms of Use, etc. == ''' {{{ Copyright © 2000-2033 Gabriele "asbesto" Zaverio This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. }}} ''' === WTFPL License === {{{ DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. }}} === Is this document offensive / inappropriate / not corporate compliant for you? === I want to cite the WTFPL about this: '''Can’t you change the wording? It’s inappropriate / childish / not corporate-compliant.''' ''The WTFPL lets you relicense the work under any other license.'' '''But profanity is offensive!''' ''You know what? Fuck your stance on profanity. Fuck your priorities in life. The WTFPL is about fucking freedom and we mean it. Freedom means freedom to copy and modify and share works of art and science with the rest of mankind, but also freedom to be gay and marry and have crazy gay sex, freedom to have tattoos, freedom to say there is no God, freedom to take the pill, freedom to have an abortion. People die for being gay or atheists. Don’t tell me that there is something sacred enough that it must be protected from the mere existence of the word “fuck”. If the F in WTFPL offends you, then fuck you and your beliefs. Triple fuck you.'' === Ubuntuforums and freedom of speech === I posted this on Ubuntuforums: {{attachment:yaf.png}} just to obtain an infraction. Here is why: {{{ DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! *************************** Dear asbesto, You have received a new private message at Ubuntu Forums from xxxxxxxx, entitled "You have received an infraction at Ubuntu Forums". To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/private.php This is the message that was sent: *************** Dear asbesto, You have received an infraction at Ubuntu Forums. Reason: Trolling ------- Please do not post links to sites that troll Ubuntu and are full of profanity. ---Quote--- Trolling, Attacks and Flaming: These are always forbidden. Trolling is posting in a way that provokes emotional responses. Attacks and derogatory terms of any kind are not welcome. This includes references to other operating systems and the companies that produce them. Flames are messages that personally attack or call any people names or otherwise harass. These, along with any generally condescending posts will be edited or removed at the moderators discretion. If a thread is flame-bait (appears to be intended to start an argument or is likely to cause an argument rather than enhance discussion, as in trolling), it will be locked or removed without notice. Individual flame-bait comments in a post may be deleted or edited at the moderators' discretion. ---End Quote--- ---Quote--- Profanity: We have users of all age groups and of all tolerance levels where profanity is concerned. A language filter is in place to catch most major forms of profanity that may accidentally be used. Do not attempt to circumvent the language filter by using variations or slight misspellings of profanities. ---End Quote--- ------- This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. Original Post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12291864#post12291864 ---Quote--- Hi there, I feel extremely harassing to have my password asked FOREVER while working on MY laptop into MY account, with no other accounts, no open network connections and no security concern, closed into a vault 23 Km under a mountain. I'm already logged in, I made my LOGIN, so why to ask FOREVER the same password, for configuring a PRINTER, a NETWORK CONNECTION or to make a SHUTDOWN? In my opinion this is extremely stupid. So I found a way to solve this: Code: --------- cd /usr/share/polkit-1/actions perl -i -pe 's/auth_admin_keep/yes/g' *.policy perl -i -pe 's/auth_admin/yes/g' *.policy perl -i -pe 's{no}{yes}g' *.policy --------- More control over WHERE the system has to ASK passwords here: http://lab.dyne.org/UbuntuPurification :wink: ---End Quote--- - Hide quoted text - All the best, Ubuntu Forums *************** Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this private message: http://ubuntuforums.org/private.php All the best, Ubuntu Forums }}} Where is "PROFANITY"? {{{ DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! *************************** Dear asbesto, You have received a new private message at Ubuntu Forums from xxxxxxxxxx, entitled "Signature". To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/private.php This is the message that was sent: *************** Please remove the link to that site in your signature also. http://lab.dyne.org/UbuntuPurification If it is not done within 24 hours it will be done for you. - Hide quoted text - *************** Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this private message: http://ubuntuforums.org/private.php All the best, Ubuntu Forums }}} Is there a rule about signatures? I can't find it. {{{ DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! *************************** Dear asbesto, You have received a new private message at Ubuntu Forums from xxxxxxxxxx, entitled "You might want to rephrase that.". To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/private.php This is the message that was sent: *************** ---Quote--- Thank you for helping users removing crap from Ubuntu/Gnome ---End Quote--- Code: --------- Attacks and derogatory terms of any kind are not welcome. This includes references to other operating systems and the companies that produce them. --------- *************** Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this private message: http://ubuntuforums.org/private.php All the best, Ubuntu Forums }}} "crap" is not a denigratory term, is just my OPINION. SO... WELL, DEFINITIVELY NO, I DON'T WANNA REPRHASE THAT. ---- CategoryMuseo