]> Jürgen's Bookmarks Some of the descriptions are in German. Since the sites listed with them are then normally German too, just ignore them. XML & Related Technologies XML is the eXtensible Markup Language. It's a fast-moving target, and if you miss to jump on the band-waggon now, you will be victimized eventually.  :o) XML Portals XML.com Our mission at XML.com is to help you discover XML and learn how this new Internet technology can solve real-world problems in information management and electronic commerce. xmlhack, a news site for XML developers XML Resource Listings Charles F. Goldfarb's "All the XML Books in Print" DTD.com Lists over 180 current XML-based language standards, pseudo-standards and developing standards in progress. XMLSOFTWARE - The XML Software Site Free XML tools and software The Whirlwind Guide to SGML & XML tools and Vendors G. Ken Holman's XSL resources site THE ONE STOP XML RESOURCE CENTER XSL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) XML W3C Resources Using XSL and CSS together (W3C Note, 11 September 1998) XML Inclusions (XInclude) QL'98 - The Query Languages Workshop XML Tutorials XSLT.com - Resource Page for XML, XSL, XSLT Tutorials Excellent list of tutorials on XML topics. XML Namespaces FAQ XSLT/XPath "Quick Reference" brochure Robin Cover's list of XML papers, articles, tutorials XML Articles XML and Databases A paper that describes some of the major issues in using XML with databases. RAX: An XML Database API Neither SAX nor DOM are well-suited to processing database-generated XML. RAX is a record-oriented API to XML data that reduces the overhead and complexity of handling XML generated from databases. XML.com - Storing and Querying Databases, Querying, and the Document Object Model: persistent storage APIs, query mechanisms, and search engines. XML.com - Fooling with XUL XML.com - Namespace Myths Exploded XML.com - Describing your Data: DTDs and XML Schemas Integration by Parts: XSLT, XLink & SVG A real world example of generating interactive, illustrated, technical documentation by a combination of XML technologies, CSS and scripting. Moving Home: Portable Site Information Web development frameworks are many and varied, but why should you have to rebuild your site structure for each one? XML comes to the rescue, in the form of the Portable Site Information project. Good Things Come In Small Packages Overview of XML compression techniques and developments. Pyxie Describes a open source XML processing library that is based on PYX, an ESIS subset suitable to XML. Pyxie is especially suitable for Unix command-line processing of XML using pipes. Bleeding-Edge XML: XLink and Apache XML Vocabularies The Schematron An XML Structure Validation Language using Patterns in Trees. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) SOAP is an XML/HTTP-based protocol for accessing services, objects and servers in a platform-independent manner. XML-RPC Simple cross-platform distributed computing, based on the standards of the Internet. Dublin Core Portable Site Information (PSI) Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX) XMLNews A suite of specifications for exchanging news and information using open Web standards. The XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL) Resource Description Framework (RDF) XFlat & XML Convert XFlat is an XML language for defining flat file schemas (e.g. CSV). XML Convert 1.1 is a Java application that uses an XFlat schema to convert a flat file into an XFlat instance. XML.com - Topics: Vocabularies XML Programming TRaX & Serialize APIs SAX 1.0: The Simple API for XML XMLPatterns.com Home Page Design Patterns in XML Applications (Part I) Design Patterns in XML Applications (Part II) Introduction to XML Design patterns The XML-Acceptor Pattern Mino XML Library Mino is a powerful library for processing XML files written in C++. XML Software XMLform XMLForm is an HTTP servlet designed to edit XML documents in a highly structured fashion. PXSLServlet PXSLServlet generates XML from SQL and other sources. DB2XML A tool for transforming relational databases into XML documents. DTDparse DTDparse reads an SGML or XML DTD and constructs an XML database of its content. This database can be examined to construct other views of the DTD. In particular, HTML or DocBook RefEntry documentation for the DTD. XSpLit XSpLit takes any standard HTML file and splits it automatically into two related XML files. GAdoc - Sablotron XED An XML document instance editor EXml Editor Free XML editor for Windows 95/98/NT with a structure view and a source view and built-in XSL namespace support. eXcelon Stylus - Visual Editor for XSL Stylesheets X2X X2X, the XML XLink Engine. X2X allows for the creation, management and manipulation of links. RTF2XML filter xbelie v1.0 - Chad Loder XML Unsorted DTDGenerator - A tool to generate XML DTDs SourceForge Project Info - XML Schema compilation http--wwbota.free.fr-XSLT_models-README.htm xmlTree - The only directory of XML content on the Web XML Catalog proposal XML Protocol Comparisons XML Script - XML Productivity Applications Ask the XML Pro "XSL Templates by Example" by James Tauber Beyond HTML Presenting Data with the XML DSO (Web Techniques, Jan 2000) The SGML-XML Web Page - Home Page Oz Documentation DTD WDVL XML Resources Mike J. Brown's XML and XSL stuff Using XML and Relational Databases for Internet Applications Presentations given by Fourthought Personnel XML books and related titles DSD-to-HTML XSLT style sheet Using XSL as a Validation Language Internet & Intranets: XML, DOM, XSL, RDF and related technologies The XML Bible FOP: A Formatting Object to PDF Translator XML and SAX2 Software XSLLib ESIS - ISO 8879 Element Structure Information Set March 2000 Microsoft XML Parser Technology Preview eXactML eXactML generates C++ classes for writing valid XML content for a specified DTD or schema. Addressing the Enterprise: Why the Web needs Groves Introduction to XSL XML Applications XML Gateway Server xmlTree - A directory of XSL stylesheets for XML on the Web Karlsruhe This is where I live. Surprise, mostly in German! Stadtinformation Karlsruhe Internetseiten der Stadt Karlsruhe. Stadtkarte Interaktive Stadtkarte mit Suchmöglichkeit. Nachrichtenmagazin für Karlsruhe Das neue Nachrichtenmagazin ka-news ist das erste verlagsunabhängige, überparteiliche Internetmagazin für Karlsruhe. Es gliedert sich in lokale und regionale Meldungen im Nachrichtenblock bis hin zu Hintergrundberichten wie "Unser Thema" im Magazinteil. Es informiert aber auch aktuell über die wichtigen Vorkommnisse in Deutschland. Technologiefabrik Karlsruhe Kino in Karlsruhe Aktuelles Kinoprogramm Das Kinoprogramm für alle Karlsruher Kinos, organisiert nach Filmen. Filmpalast am ZKM Multiplex-Kino in Karlsruhe (10 Leinwände, 2954 Sitze, Bildsystem: 35mm, Soundsysteme: Dolby SR, Dolby SR.D, DTS, THX). Filmpalast am ZKM (Programm) Schauburg Das plüschige Kino-Erlebnis. Filmtheater in Karlsruhe Das UfA-Programm. Development Development: Resources FreeCode, Free Programming Source Code CodeCatalog.com - The Open Source Code Search Engine Algorithm Archive (Work in progress) Development: Patterns Patterns Home Page Examples of Patterns Development: Tools Free Compiler Construction Tools GNU Documentation Developing software with GNU Cyclic autoconf/automake page Overview of automake, autoconf and libtool The GNU configure and build system Autoconf Tutorial cvshelp WinCvs.org CVS-Documentation-Links DOC++'s Home Page src2html Development: Unsorted Brad Appleton's Software Configuration Management Links Streamed Lines Branching Patterns for Parallel Software Development Skip Lists Skip Lists - A Probalistic Alternative to Balanced Trees (ootips) What Makes A Good Object-Oriented Design ZDNet d e v e l o p e r Ziff Davis developer Portal A Summary of Jon Louis Bentley's ``Writing Efficient Programs'' Computer Reference _ Personal Bookshelf _ Ebook List Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures TM, The Turing Machine Interpreter (D.S.Woodruff) C++ C++ Resource Listings C-Scene - The C/C++ Freezine Sites of interest to C++ users C++ Tutorials Dinkum C/C++ Library Reference C++ Tutorial URL's Teaching Materials on OO Programming and C++ Description of "Programming with Class: A Practical Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with C++" and "A Beginners C++" CALLBACKS IN C++ USING TEMPLATE FUNCTORS STL - Standard Template Library STLport.org Complete C++ standard library, including <complex> and SGI STL iostreams. Can be configured to use either SGI or native iostreams. gcc-2.95, mingw32, SUN WS 6.0 EA, Borland C++ 5.5 are supported. C++ sstream implementation for Unix (gcc) C++ Unsorted CLN - Class Library for Numbers Introduction to KAI C++ C++ FAQ LITE To Kill a Singleton Blitz++ Home Page Comeau Computing Comeau C++, a high quality, low cost C++ solution available on multiple platforms. Boost C++ Libraries Programming C++ Programming in C Effective C++ CD Demo Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc. OOP Resources DN - Re_ how do I lowercase a string__ Welcome to #C++'s Website Java Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language Hypersonic SQL An Open Source Java Database with standard SQL syntax and a JDBC interface. The Castor Project Castor is the shortest path between Java objects, XML documents, SQL tables and LDAP directories. It provides Java to XML binding, Java to SQL/LDAP persistence, and then some more. JFA Projects - Construction Zone Python Starship Python www.oreilly.com -- Why I Promote Python Pyro (Python Remote Objects) The Vaults of Parnassus Python Resources Python Software Marc's Python Pages Python & XML Python XML Toolkit Python saxlib Python and XML Processing (XML SIG) Python EasySAX Comparing Python to Java A subjective analysis of two high-level, object-oriented languages. Unix freshmeat.net Linux(?) News- und Software-Portal. Databases Free Database List Free Database Libraries, SQL Servers and SQL Tools The Sleepycat Software Home Page Sleepycat Software builds, distributes, and supports The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB), an Open Source embedded database system. Networking Lightweight Protocols A site dedicated to information about distributed computing architectures that are more structured than telnet command protocols or CGIs but less complex or heavy than CORBA or DCOM. Lightweight Distributed Objects (LDO) Open Source Communications Framework Graphics ImageMagick - X11 Image Processing and Display Package Icon Collections Leo's Icon Archive The focus here is on illustrator icons, but you'll also find Caps, Buttons, Comics, Bullets, Flags, Butterflies, etc. and original work by Leo. Andrew's GraphXKingdom The Graphxkingdom is home to thousands of clipart, icons, backgrounds, bars, interfaces, and other cool, free graphics. People Jak Kirman -- Home Page Bob Friesenhahn's Collection Of Mindless Babble Donald A. Ball Mark Lutz's Home Page Author of various books about Python. Fun legal department @ rotten dot com Demotivators - from Despair, Inc. The Hampster Dance The 500 Point Nerdity Test!