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Revision 2 as of 2009-10-14 02:42:01
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Editor: fruity
Revision 3 as of 2009-10-14 02:48:39
Size: 1594
Editor: fruity
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Whould be to have http://wherewerehome.nn/wiki/$wikiname/ All the static content will be in the DocRoot of the webserver (e.g. /var/www/$(wikiname|hostname)/htdocs

At the end each host in the farm could have something like http://wherewerehome.nn/wiki/$(wikiname|hostname)/ with a rewrite rule (I'm might be totally wrong and a rewrite rule might not be usefull but I'm thinking in case of migration from server to server) in case of dedicated hostname, e.g. http://groupxy.com/wiki that point to http://wherewerehome.nn/wiki/$groupxy/

MoinMoin farming mode with apache2 and mod_wsgi

Why? Because MoinMoin is a widely used wiki, dyne.org uses MoinMoin and I thought to keep a page with a guide to install the latest moinmoin version at the time I'm writing 2024-04-18

Basic idea

The basic idea is that in farming mode each wiki has it's own instance. For its own instance we mean data, configuration files, stylesheets and plugins Search on the online documentation of moinmoin I found http://moinmo.in/FarmQuestions

        farmconfig.py   # contain the basic configurations common to all wikis
        mywiki.py       # site1
        rcyb.py         # site2
    plugin/          # systemwide plugins
    underlay/        # read-only doc
        pages/   #<--- need to be rwx for owner and group www-data
            data/    #<--- need to be rwx for owner and group www-data and so for
                plugin -> ../../../plugin

All the static content will be in the DocRoot of the webserver (e.g. /var/www/$(wikiname|hostname)/htdocs

At the end each host in the farm could have something like http://wherewerehome.nn/wiki/$(wikiname|hostname)/ with a rewrite rule (I'm might be totally wrong and a rewrite rule might not be usefull but I'm thinking in case of migration from server to server) in case of dedicated hostname, e.g. http://groupxy.com/wiki that point to http://wherewerehome.nn/wiki/$groupxy/

MoinMoinFarmingApache2WSGI (last edited 2010-07-20 17:47:25 by anonymous)