= What is Netsukuku = Netsukuku is a scalable, fully-routable mesh network that automatically forms and sustains itself. Netsukuku allows for a set of devices to form a connected network without the intervention of any central entity. Further, it enables a network to grow indefinitely, or two networks to form independently and then join together. Even bigger and wider than the Internet. [[NewNetsukukuOrgWhatIsNetsukuku|learn more]] There is now a subreddit for netsukuku here : http://www.reddit.com/r/netsukuku == What can we do with Netsukuku == We live in a connected world. The popularity of the Internet has roots in the many benefits that we now enjoy today. It gives us new methods for communicating, spreading and finding information, exchanging services and goods. However, we need to improve many aspects of this global connectivity. Twenty years since the Internet's boom, the potential connectivity is still out of reach for many, due to cost, efficiency, and ease of use issues. '''Enter Netsukuku.''' What are the benefits that we get from it that we don't have in the Internet as we know it today? * We can share with each other the connectivity and improve our experience simultaneously. At no fees. [[NewNetsukukuOrgShareConnection|learn more]] * We can easily give services to other members from our own computer, without uploading personal information or paying fees to any centralized server. [[NewNetsukukuOrgDeployServices|learn more]] * We get a awesome connectivity experience when we contact friends located near to us. Hence, we give a great advantage to our local community, while still being connected to the global community. [[NewNetsukukuOrgLocalPerformance|learn more]] * We enjoy a network where the more that people get connected, the better the network performs for all. [[NewNetsukukuOrgManyGateways|learn more]] == Who can be part of Netsukuku == [[NewNetsukukuOrgWhoCanBePart|learn more]] == How to install netsukuku == [[NewNetsukukuOrgInstallVala|install the vala port]] [[NewNetsukukuOrgInstallPython|install the python port]] --([[NewNetsukukuOrgInstallC|install the c port]])-- deprecated == How can I find a peer to connect with? == [[NewNetsukukuOrgHowFindPeers|learn more]] == What about the Internet when I am in Netsukuku? == [[NewNetsukukuOrgWhatAboutInternet|learn more]] == Development == [[NewNetsukukuOrgDevelopment|dev page]] == Documents == [[NewNetsukukuOrgDocuments|docs page]] --- ''[[NewNetsukukuOrgNews|News]]'' --- ''[[NewNetsukukuOrgTechnicalNotes|Technical notes]]'' --- ''[[NewNetsukukuOrgFaq|FAQ]]''