Warning: This is still a highly untested software use with caution. [[Netsukuku_Dev/vala/flashing_notes2 | Openwrt notes]] For compilation you will need the following dependencies: * valac >=0.14 * libgee-dev * libpth-dev * libgcrypt11-dev * cmake * autogen It is recommended to install bazaar to interact with the source code repository since currently there is no stable tarball for downloading. * bzr #see https://savannah.nongnu.org/bzr/?group=netsukuku for CVS and tar '''howto: ''' Clone the vala ntk repository {{{ $ bzr branch bzr://bzr.savannah.nongnu.org/netsukuku/vala netsukuku-vala }}} __build__ The following will generate the necesary files for autotools work as intended. It will install ntk to /usr/local by default. Feel free to run ./configure --help to see all the variables you might change. {{{ cd netsukuku-vala ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install }}} __copy configurations__ {{{ sudo cp -r INSTALL_DIR/linux/etc/netsukuku /etc/ }}} usage: {{{ ntkd --help # for example: ntkd -i eth0 -i wlan0 -v 4 }}} For messing around: {{{ # Install OpenVPN and bridge utils apt-get install openvpn bridge-utils # Make a tunnel interface sudo openvpn --mktun --dev tap0 --user `id -un` # Check it's there ifconfig tap0 # Make a bridge interface brctl addbr br0 # Check it's there ifconfig br0 # Add tunnel iface to bridge brctl addif br0 tap0 # Start ntkd on the bridge (won't work on tap0 ?!?) sudo ntkd -i br0 # Watch it tcpdump -i br0 }}} Make sure you are not running some sort of network interface manager such as NetworkManager, wicd, dhcpd, etc., on that NIC, otherwise it will interrupt the process and assign a new IP address destroying our link with the Ntk network. The instructions to deactivate such services depends higly on your GNU/Linux disto.