DynebolicFaq : [[http://dynebolic.org/|dyne:bolic homepage]] ---- ''[[DyneBolic/Qemu.es|versión en español]]'' ---- = Run dyne:bolic 2.x on Qemu! = So you want to run dyne:bolic 2.x on Qemu? It is fairly easy, if you've got some minimal knowledge of GNU/Linux! Mind that this page will not describe how you can configure Qemu on your GNU/Linux system, so you should have Qemu and the KQemu module installed on it. There are plenty of HOWTOs on this, and since I'm running Gentoo, [[http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO:_Qemu|here's]] the one that helped me out. The KQemu module (which used to be close source, but as of version 1.3.0pre10 is under the GNU/GPL) is not necessary, but mind that it will give a great speed boost in loading and running dyne:bolic, so I recommend it. Steps to run dyne:bolic on Qemu are pretty straightforward, depends on how you want to run dyne:bolic: * LiveCD only (no [[Nesting]] or [[Docking]]) from an ISO image: * Open up a terminal, then fire up (if not already loaded) the KQemu module with {{{sudo modprobe kqemu major=0}}} * Fire up Qemu: {{{qemu -kernel-kqemu -boot d -cdrom /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED/ISO/dyne-2.5.2.iso -m 128}}} ....where the ''-kernel-qemu'' option fires up the kernel module accelerator in both user and kernel mode; the ''-boot d'' option tells Qemu it should boot from the cdrom, whose path should be specified in the ''-cdrom /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED/ISO/dyne-2.5.2.iso'' option. The ''-m'' option tells Qemu how much RAM (in megabytes) it should use, so tweak it to your liking. * Have a little patience allowing Qemu to boot up dyne:bolic, and you're done! Now you've got dyne:bolic running on a virtual machine inside you GNU/Linux distribution! * LiveCD with [[Nesting]] and [[Docking]] from an ISO image: * Open up a terminal, then create a qcow2 image (which is a Qemu virtual hard disk) with {{{qemu-img create -f qcow2 /PATH/TO/VIRTUAL/HARDDISK/IMAGE/dyne.cow 1300M}}} ....where ''/PATH/TO/VIRTUAL/HARDDISK/IMAGE/'' is the path in which you want to create the virtual hard disk, and the ''1300M'' is the size of the virtual hard disk. Tweak that to your usage, considering that if you want to dock and nest you will need at least 700M (dyne directory) + the nest size you want to create! * Load the KQemu module with {{{sudo modprobe kqemu major=0}}} * Execute Qemu as: {{{qemu -kernel-kqemu -boot d -cdrom /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED/ISO/dyne-2.5.2.iso -hdX /PATH/TO/VIRTUAL/HARDDISK/IMAGE/dyne.cow -m 128}}} ....where the ''-kernel-qemu'' option loads the kernel module accelerator, the ''-boot d'' option tells Qemu it should boot from the cdrom with path specified in the ''-cdrom /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED/ISO/dyne-2.5.2.iso'' option, the ''-hd'''X''''' option is the device you want the virtual hard disk assigned to (change '''''X''''' with a letter such as a or b), ''/PATH/TO/VIRTUAL/HARDDISK/IMAGE/'' is where your virtual hard disk image resides in, and finally the ''-m'' option tells Qemu how much RAM (in megabytes) it should use. * Dyne:bolic will boot, and of course you now have a virtual hard disk, but it's not formatted yet! So open a terminal and follow the instructions in the ''Ok, so how do I make a filesystem on hard disk that can receive a dynebolic nest?'' paragraph of the [[Nesting]] article on this wiki. * Make a new directory in ''/mnt/'' with {{{mkdir /mnt/HDSOMETHING/}}} where ''HDSOMETHING'' is the name of the directory in which you will mount the device you partitioned with fdisk. ''hd1'' is a good choice. * Mount the virtual hard disk with {{{mount /dev/hdXY /mnt/hd1}}} where X is the hard disk device as entered in the Qemu ''-hdX'' option before, and ''Y'' the partition you made with fdisk following the ''Ok, so how do I make a filesystem on hard disk that can receive a dynebolic nest?'' paragraph of the [[Nesting]] article. * Copy the ''dyne'' directory to the new virtual hard disk: {{{cp -R /mnt/cd1/dyne /mnt/HDSOMETHING/}}} * '''Important:''' Unmount your the hd image with {{{umount /mnt/HDSOMETHING/}}} * Shutdown dyne:bolic and run the previous qemu command * When virtual dyne:bolic boots make a nest with the appropriate tool found in ''Desktop | Right Click | Configure'' * Done! You now have a docked and nested virtual:bolic in your GNU/Linux machine! All you have to do is shutdown dyne:bolic and execute Qemu as previously! ;) ---- DynebolicFaq : [[http://dynebolic.org/|dyne:bolic homepage]] ---- Added by TommyDrum for the community on 05/12/2007. Please update and contribute!