<> = Jslibs = Created Montag 13 Juli 2009 standalone JavaScript development runtime environment with general purpose native libraries http://code.google.com/p/jslibs/ pro: * lots of bindings * generic dll/so loader con: * source dev on win32: dos file format, ugly indent * no autoconf: wants u to manual download/unpack js and nspr (and libpng and ...) * needs xulrunner-1.9.1 (fixable) * still does not compile !__VA_ARGS__ macro probs * many bindings incomplete * bindings too low level, e.g. http://code.google.com/p/jslibs/wiki/jsaudio ("example 1" at very bottom) "A simple ogg player" {{{#!java LoadModule('jsio'); LoadModule('jsstd'); LoadModule('jssound'); LoadModule('jsaudio'); var decoder = new OggVorbisDecoder(new File('41_30secOgg-q0.ogg').Open(File.RDONLY)); var sourceId = Oal.GenSource(); var pcm; while ( pcm = decoder.Read(10000) ) { var bufferId = Oal.Buffer(pcm); Oal.SourceQueueBuffers(sourceId, bufferId); if ( Oal.GetSourceInteger(sourceId, Oal.SOURCE_STATE) == Oal.INITIAL ) Oal.PlaySource(sourceId); }; var totalTime = decoder.frames/decoder.rate; var currentTimeOffset = Oal.GetSourceReal(sourceId, Oal.SEC_OFFSET); Sleep( 1000 * (totalTime - currentTimeOffset) ); }}} what to do with it? * steal code from src/common * steal jsio bindings * their macros looks quite usable for us = wx / gluescript = http://www.wxjavascript.net/ *deprecated* http://gluescript.sourceforge.net/ ~/freej/3rdparty/gluescript * complete? bindings to wx window toolkit, all platforms (I did not test that yet) * very weired c++ templates which I don't understand ;) * uses POCO C++ Libraries http://pocoproject.org/ "platform independent c++ classes various stuff, also a javascript object" * uses fancy build generator: premake ... lua based?! http://premake.sourceforge.net "Premake is self-hosting; you will need a copy of Premake installed in order to build the source code from the repository" ... *lol* * ^^ therefore could not compile and test