#acl FreaknetGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read = STA MMERDA DI VENTOLA DEL THINKPAD MERDOSO, THIS FUCKING THINKPAD WHEN THE SHIT HIT THE FAN = <> == INSTALL THIS SHIT == {{{ apt-get install lm-sensors thinkfan }}} == Enable fan control == check if '''/etc/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf''' exists and add this into it: {{{ options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1" }}} and re/load module: {{{ modprobe -rv thinkpad_acpi modprobe -v thinkpad_acpi }}} == Set thinkfan to run at startup == Edit '''/etc/defaults/thinkfan''' Change START=no to START=yes or add into it == coretemp? DUNNO == I added this in '''/etc/modules''': {{{ # Chip drivers coretemp }}} this is needed, I think, for '''sensors''' command. == BECAUSE SHIT HAPPENS == /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal: No such file or directory so try: {{{ sudo sensors-detect }}} but also {{{ find /sys/devices -type f -name "temp*_input" }}} this gives you a list of SHIT. I configured it in /etc/thinkfan.conf. You will see it below. == thinkfan.conf == {{{ # this is needed tp_fan /proc/acpi/ibm/fan # this came from above. there's also zone1 but I'm not using it. hwmon /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp # my temp settings follow. # Fan level 0 (off) - 7 (max.), 127 ("disengaged", ie full load without control) # Temperature when reaching in the descending direction of the fan level is reduced by 1 # Temperature when reaching in the ascending direction of the fan level is increased by 1 # Note: Only the highest value of all configured temperature sensors is taken into account. (0, 0, 60) (1, 53, 65) (2, 55, 66) (3, 57, 68) (4, 61, 70) (5, 64, 71) (7, 68, 74) ("level full-speed", 70, 32767) }}} == After all this, start thinkfan == the FULL SPEED require -D (dangerous) to start thinkfan from rc.d so, in rc.d, add {{{ /usr/sbin/thinkfan -D }}} THAT'S IT === Bibliography === * https://thinkwiki.de/Thinkfan Einsturzende Neubauten Sturmtruppen Panzer Divisionen * https://github.com/vmatare/thinkfan/issues/13 * https://zmalltalker.com/zlog/thinkfan.html * http://x220.mcdonnelltech.com/ubuntu/ ---- CategoryMuseo