= Unbricking WM8650 based tablet = (PRELIMINARY VERSION - TO BE ADJUSTED ;) Interface to adapt 3.3v signals to RS-232: {{attachment:Max233sch.jpg}} made as {{attachment:skilled.jpg}} connect here: {{attachment:conn.jpg}} connect serial, use ckermit (apt-get install ckermit) launch "ckermit" and write this: {{{ set modem type none set line /dev/ttyUSB0 set speed 115200 connect }}} turn on the device, you will have a boot logo, press a key to block it or maybe you will have the {{{ WMT # }}} prompt. Have a copy of a working firmware for UBEROID, unpack it in a dir, and read the file {{{ wmt_scriptcmd }}} Now, "copy & paste" line by line from your wmt_scriptcmd to the hyperterminal. Copy & Paste only the "setenv" lines (before "fastload", "saveenv" lines) in the "WMT #" prompt, and hit ENTER after each line. {{{ setenv kernel-NAND_ofs setenv kernel-NAND_len setenv initrd-NAND_mtd setenv initrd-NAND_ofs setenv initrd-NAND_len setenv filesystem-NAND_mtd setenv filesystem-NAND_ofs setenv filesystem-NAND_len setenv wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo setenv wmt.nfc.mtd.kernel-logo setenv wmt.display.param 2:0:16:0:0:0 setenv wmt.display.tmr 40000:0:10:46:800:20:10:23:480:10 setenv wmt.display.pwm 0:25:50:99 setenv memtotal 214M setenv wmt.display.logoaddr 500000 setenv wmt.kernel.animation.addr f600000 saveenv display init force mmcinit 0 textout -1 -1 \"WM8650 Uberoid2.2 upgrade preparing, please wait ...\" FFFF00 setenv bootargs 'mem=214M root=dev/ram0 rw initrd=0x01000000,32768K console=ttyS0,115200n8 loadtime=-4' }}} Now, do you see those {{{ fatload mmc 0 1000000 FirmwareInstall/ramdisk.gz fatload mmc 0 0 FirmwareInstall/uzImage.bin }}} lines in that file? we need to do those uploads by serial. As this: {{{ loadb 1000000 }}} now press CTRL-\ C to go to Kermit console, and "send" your "ramdisk.gz" file. if you have some error, use the SET PREFIX stuff that kermit tell you to use to solve. now {{{ loadb 0 }}} and send the file "uzImage.bin", in the same way as "ramdisk.gz" above. note: after every upload you have to write "c" to kermit to reconnect to the terminal :) After this, do a "bootm 0" and your system will boot. [[attachment:Max233sch.jpg]] == Bibliografia == * http://www.techknow.me/forum/index.php?topic=261.0 * http://postimg.org/image/5gyf3vn6n/ * http://www.compsys1.com/workbench/On_top_of_the_Bench/Max233_Adapter/max233_adapter.html * http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/how-do-i-send-files-in-minicom-through-kermit-633779/ * http://ficara.altervista.org/?p=275 * http://www.techknow.me/forum/index.php?topic=141.0 LA FICA A RAZZI ---- CategoryMuseo