The configuration for ''yaws'' at first glance was painfull because by default: 1 there is a ''default'' file in wich there is a RUN=0 that need to be turned to 1; 2 the default virtual hosts file are all binding to all interfaces ( on port 8080, creating a new file and assigning an ip to bind to will make yaws fail to start since ''all'' ip are already bind; 3 unlike apache yaws is not set uid so for no provileged ports allowed (anyway I use a load balancer in front and is better if the webserver don't run as root) The content and structure of /etc/yaws {{{ . ./conf.avail ./conf.avail/localhost-ssl.conf ./conf.avail/localhost.conf ./conf.d ./conf.d/localhost.conf ./conf.d/localhost-ssl.conf ./yaws.conf }}} To have virtual hosting up and running, and to have an instance of yaws running only on localhost(usefull for admin web interafces accessed via tunnels) edit ''conf.avail/localhost.conf'' and ''./conf.avail/localhost-ssl.conf'' and change '''''listen =''''' to '''''listen ='''''; afterward copy the default ''localhost.conf'' file to ''mywebhost.conf'' and change the ''listen ='' argument to the external ip you want to bind to.