Differences between revisions 3 and 23 (spanning 20 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-05-19 12:22:39
Size: 2205
Editor: jaromil
Revision 23 as of 2009-06-04 15:54:22
Size: 391
Editor: jaromil
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= Art in the Park = = Ark in the Part =
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=== Villa de Riseis, Pescara, luglio 2009 === == IMPORTANT UPDATE ==
=== We will NOT participate to MA/ED ===
=== NON parteciperemo al MA/ED a villa De Riseis ===
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An ''art-camp'' involving students from different places in Europe to meet, develop and show their creations,
following an open exchange on themes like radio making, media design, recycling and cycling,
involving social art practices based on streets, open air spaces and the digital networks.
The '''ARK''' initiative is postponed !!!
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== Location == per maggiori informazioni potete scrivere ad ark \chiocciola\ dyne.org
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The city of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescara|Pescara]] counts more than 120.000 inhabitants, growing up to almost a million people in the summer, when lots of turists, mostly Italians, come to have holydays on the beach.
 The "entertainment industry" is well developed in the city, dense of pubs and kilometers of beach are privately owned by "Lidi", including disco and restaurants activities.
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== Art left abandoned ==

In recent times Pescara has been theatre of controversial urban plans, hosting many unused buildings and spaces within the city. The most important art festival is [[http://www.fuoriuso.it|Fuori Uso]], held since many years (resisting, with difficulties) exhibiting various international artists in abandoned urban structures, trying to re-activate them somehow. Another recent festival capable of bringing over several electronic artists is the [[http://www.artificialia.com/peam/|PEAM]].

As of now and despite being very succesful, both these festivals aren't able to continue their activity. The most recent metaphore of the decaying of art in Pescara: japanese artist Toyo Ito was called to make a statue in its main square, [[http://www.corriere.it/cronache/09_febbraio_16/spacca_fonatana_toyo_ito_pescara_6c4a82f0-fc45-11dd-af22-00144f02aabc.shtml|it costed a million euro and it broke down in half a year]].

In this festival we don't intend to hide these facts: giving a good image of this city would be extremely naive. Our focus on recycling practices, grass-root production and community interaction in artistic creativity is there to specifically address existing problems and to propose a new approach for their solution, hopefully leveraging the participation and impact of cultural activities in a Mediterranean city like Pescara.

= Outline of activities =
The original and updated version of this document is mantained online at the address:

Ark in the Part


We will NOT participate to MA/ED

NON parteciperemo al MA/ED a villa De Riseis

The ARK initiative is postponed !!!

per maggiori informazioni potete scrivere ad ark \chiocciola\ dyne.org

The original and updated version of this document is mantained online at the address: http://lab.dyne.org/ArtInThePark2009

ArtInThePark2009 (last edited 2009-06-04 15:55:16 by jaromil)