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{{{ MUSEO DELL'INFORMATICA FUNZIONANTE FREAKNET MEDIALAB DYNE.ORG FOUNDATION POETRY HACKLAB }}} = PRESS RELEASE = == About Us == We are the Freaknet Medialab, since 1994 we are the first free computer lab in Italy to provide free email and Internet access;, forge of free software programmers; Hacklab Poetry, a free computer lab in Palazzolo Acreide, a village 40 km from Syracuse, famous for its Greek Theatre and its historical and natural beauties. With us collaborate a world of enthusiasts, researchers, scientists and artists. Our activities' are recognized throughout the world and we enjoy the confidence of UNESCO and of the Free Software Foundation. == What have we done so far == We have succeeded in recent years to collect almost 2000 historical computers, with pieces coming back since the '60s. We have repaired many of these that are now fully functional, others are waiting to be fixed and brought back to life. This research and experimentation requires space that we never had; local institutions have never gone beyond the 'words'. Since many years we are looking non-stop for a place to start our activities around our museum: the challenge is to offer an alternative culture in southern Europe where unfortunately, so far, the only way to grow professionally was to emigrate for many of us as well. == What do we want to do == We decided to join our forces and rent space for a project to which we have already spent 10 years of dedicated research and cataloging: a '''Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante''' : a place where visitors, both physically or on the Internet, can use the historical computers we have collected, know their history, learn the basics of electronics and computer and share a piece of our path. A place to preserve, restore and share on the network the heritage made of hardware, but also documents, software, wiring diagrams, books and media of various kinds. The vision of a museum like this motivates us already since a decade, making us pioneers in the emerging museum area, one that takes care of the history of computing and information technology (both hardware and software). Such museums are being built in these years around the world, attracting the attention and goodwill of both the public institutions and private benefactors. but after having visited some we realize that the uniqueness of some of the pieces we collect, as well as the history and software production that have made us famous in the world, make our Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante in Italy an excellence in its sector: in fact already since few years we have been able to attract in the village of Palazzolo Acreide experts from all over Europe, people to whom we are offering access only to certain computers in cramped and private premises. == We need help == We are looking for help to pay the cost of this first step and to be able to ensure a year of local structural expenses which amount to ~7000 euro: so we ask anyone interested to sponsor, to contact us and discuss what would not be a simple donation, but an investment that would have a strong response in the long run. Once assured the space in which to work at the museum for a period of X years, we know we can count on an ever-increasing visibility and a team of experts who have specialized outside Italy in both academic and commercial sectors. To donate something, please visit this link: An initiative of this kind will pay back your trust with the gratitude of many fans and we will going to write a story together, we are confident that the museum sector in which we find ourselves will buy more and more importance in the years to come, and we are committed to respect the memory of those who, at this early stage, will believe in our work. == Links == * Http:// * Http:// * Http:// * Http:// * Http:// * Http:// |
Chi siamo
Siamo i membri di tre associazioni di cultori dell'informatica: il Freaknet Medialab, dal 1994 primo laboratorio libero in Italia a fornire gratuitamente email ed accesso ad Internet;, fucina di programmatori di Software Libero; Poetry Hacklab, un laboratorio di informatica libera in Palazzolo Acreide, paese a 40 Km da Siracusa, famoso per il suo Teatro Greco e le sue bellezze storiche e naturali. Attorno a noi gravita un universo di appassionati, ricercatori, scienziati ed artisti. Le nostre attività sono conosciute in tutto il mondo e godiamo della fiducia dell'UNESCO e della Free Software Foundation.
Il nostro progetto
Abbiamo deciso di realizzare uno dei progetti al quale abbiamo già dedicato 10 anni di appassionata ricerca e catalogazione: un Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante, un posto dove i visitatori, sia fisicamente sia attraverso Internet, possono usare computer storici, conoscere la loro storia, imparare i rudimenti dell'elettronica e dell'informatica e condividere un pezzo del nostro percorso. Un luogo dove preservare, riparare, conservare, digitalizzare e condividere in rete un patrimonio fatto di hardware ma anche di documentazione, software, schemi elettrici, libri e media di vario tipo.
Cosa abbiamo fatto finora
Abbiamo raccolto in questi anni un patrimonio di quasi 2000 computer storici risalenti fino agli anni '60. Grazie al nostro impegno molti sono stati riparati e sono ora perfettamente funzionanti, mentre altri aspettano di essere riportati in vita. Questo lavoro di ricerca e sperimentazione necessita di spazio che non abbiamo mai avuto; le istituzioni locali non sono mai andate al di là delle parole. Da anni cerchiamo senza sosta un luogo dove iniziare seriamente le attività del nostro museo: la sfida è offrire un'alternativa culturale in un Sud d'Europa dove purtroppo fin'ora l'unica soluzione per crescere professionalmente è stata quella di emigrare, anche per molti dei nostri associati.
Cosa vogliamo fare
La visione di un museo del genere ci motiva già da un decennio, facendoci pionieri di un'area museale emergente, quella che si occupa proprio della storia dei computer e dell'informatica (sia hardware che software). Musei del genere stanno sorgendo proprio in questi anni intorno al mondo, attirando l'attenzione e la benevolenza tanto di istituzioni pubbliche quanto di benefattori privati, eppure dopo averne visitati alcuni ci rendiamo conto che l'unicità di alcuni pezzi da noi raccolti, nonché la storia e le produzioni software che ci hanno resi famosi nel mondo, renderebbero il nostro Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante in Italia un'eccellenza nel suo settore. Di fatto già da alcuni anni siamo stati capaci di suscitare l'attenzione dei media nazionali ed esteri, ed attirare nel paesino di Palazzolo Acreide esperti da tutta Europa, persone alle quali ci troviamo ad offrire l'accesso solo per alcuni computer ed in angusti locali privati. Abbiamo deciso di unire le nostre forze ed affittare uno spazio adeguato per realizzare questo progetto.
Abbiamo bisogno del vostro sostegno
Stiamo cercando aiuto per sostenere le spese di questo primo passo e riuscire ad assicurare un anno di spese strutturali dei locali che ammontano a soli 10000 euro: chiediamo quindi a chiunque sia interessato a sponsorizzarci di contattarci e discutere di quella che non sarebbe una semplice donazione, ma un investimento che avrebbe un forte riscontro sul lungo periodo. Una volta assicurato lo spazio dove lavorare al museo per l'arco di alcuni anni, sappiamo di poter contare su di una sempre crescente visibilità e di un team di esperti che si sono specializzati fuori Italia in ambito sia accademico che commerciale.
Per donare qualcosa, visitate questo link:
Un'iniziativa di questo genere ripagherà la vostra fiducia con la gratitudine di tanti appassionati e di una storia che scriveremo insieme: siamo certi del fatto che il settore museale nel quale ci collochiamo acquisterà sempre piú importanza negli anni a venire e ci impegniamo a rispettare la memoria di chi, in questa fase iniziale, saprà credere nel nostro operato.
About Us
We are the Freaknet Medialab, since 1994 we are the first free computer lab in Italy to provide free email and Internet access;, forge of free software programmers; Hacklab Poetry, a free computer lab in Palazzolo Acreide, a village 40 km from Syracuse, famous for its Greek Theatre and its historical and natural beauties. With us collaborate a world of enthusiasts, researchers, scientists and artists. Our activities' are recognized throughout the world and we enjoy the confidence of UNESCO and of the Free Software Foundation.
What have we done so far
We have succeeded in recent years to collect almost 2000 historical computers, with pieces coming back since the '60s. We have repaired many of these that are now fully functional, others are waiting to be fixed and brought back to life. This research and experimentation requires space that we never had; local institutions have never gone beyond the 'words'. Since many years we are looking non-stop for a place to start our activities around our museum: the challenge is to offer an alternative culture in southern Europe where unfortunately, so far, the only way to grow professionally was to emigrate for many of us as well.
What do we want to do
We decided to join our forces and rent space for a project to which we have already spent 10 years of dedicated research and cataloging: a Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante : a place where visitors, both physically or on the Internet, can use the historical computers we have collected, know their history, learn the basics of electronics and computer and share a piece of our path. A place to preserve, restore and share on the network the heritage made of hardware, but also documents, software, wiring diagrams, books and media of various kinds.
The vision of a museum like this motivates us already since a decade, making us pioneers in the emerging museum area, one that takes care of the history of computing and information technology (both hardware and software). Such museums are being built in these years around the world, attracting the attention and goodwill of both the public institutions and private benefactors. but after having visited some we realize that the uniqueness of some of the pieces we collect, as well as the history and software production that have made us famous in the world, make our Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante in Italy an excellence in its sector: in fact already since few years we have been able to attract in the village of Palazzolo Acreide experts from all over Europe, people to whom we are offering access only to certain computers in cramped and private premises.
We need help
We are looking for help to pay the cost of this first step and to be able to ensure a year of local structural expenses which amount to ~7000 euro: so we ask anyone interested to sponsor, to contact us and discuss what would not be a simple donation, but an investment that would have a strong response in the long run. Once assured the space in which to work at the museum for a period of X years, we know we can count on an ever-increasing visibility and a team of experts who have specialized outside Italy in both academic and commercial sectors.
To donate something, please visit this link:
An initiative of this kind will pay back your trust with the gratitude of many fans and we will going to write a story together, we are confident that the museum sector in which we find ourselves will buy more and more importance in the years to come, and we are committed to respect the memory of those who, at this early stage, will believe in our work.