1. Introduction

[ description of dyne.org ]

The Netherlands Media Art Institute has focused since the year 2002 on the development of free and open source software. In that respect a long lasting relationship was stablished with this organisation resulting in a patronage for the dyne.org foundation

[ description of this history, from the begining up to the working together with Jaromil ]

2. Mission Statement

To promote the idea of open source and knowledge sharing communities by research and development, production and distribution.

To provide new comunication tools, opening the partecipation to online and onsite communities, leveraging the democratical access to technology, lowering the economical requisites to its accesibility.

To foster artistical research and creation with open source technologies, exploring new forms of expression and interaction.

To insure sustainability of free software development, also when non-profiteable: being software a socially relevant media it should not be ideated and mantained only on the basis of its merchantability.

3. Definitions of terms

With the definition of Free and Open Source Software we refer to all software licensed and distributed under the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. In fact, free has to be intended as "Libre", free as of speech, not simply gratis, coming with all possibilities to redistribute, modify and adapt the software without any fee. From now on we'll refer to it with the acronym FLOSS (free libre open source software).

With dyne.org foundation we describe a nonprofit organisation which developes, employes and distributes FLOSS based software and hardware solutions, especially related to comunication practices.

All the revenues are reinvested in research, employement and distribution.

The Netherlands Media Art Institute garanties that the overhead never will be more than 5% of the turn over.

4. Strategic and operational goals

To open up new not for profit markets and to create and distribute open source software to a wider audience.

4.1. Strategic goals

To open up new not for profit markets

The community of open source users still consists mostly of insiders, while the potential of the developed software has reached a state of high compatibility with license based programs.

To enforce general customers to make use of free software we want to offer easy to use packages of applications at affordable prices.

4.2. Operational goals

To create and distribute FLOSS to a wider audience.

To guarantee the continuity of FLOSS creation and development we have to generate resources: money, people, infrastructure and knowledge.

To distribute the software we have to create communication strategies, attractive products, marketing and distribution channels.

4.3. Donor and Patron membership program

The dyne.org foundation will offer a Donor program for individual and a Patron program for societies and institutions willing to financially support the development of free software. These programs will include the provision of simple internet services aimed to tie up the community of donors as well to publish their benevolent support: email aliases, forums and online social games will consitute the online specular realization of a social club.

5. products and combinations of markets (PCM's)

5.1. Products

5.1.1. Production of open source software

5.1.2. Release of software - free of license

this document is confidential.

board: Denis "jaromil" Rojo Heiner Hostappels Robert De Geuss