Differences between revisions 6 and 11 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2003-12-11 17:19:06
Size: 3153
Editor: anonymous
Revision 11 as of 2006-07-24 16:44:42
Size: 475
Editor: jaromil
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= Modify the ISO with two simple shell scripts: dbspac and dbpacc =

'''dbspac''' reads an ISO image from a file or from a raw CD device, and unpacks it into a directory tree on your hard disk. You can chroot into this tree and, to a certain extent it will run. It won't be exactly the same as a true running dynebolic because the hardware setup and initial environment will be that of your system, not of dynebolic.

'''dbpacc''' is the opposite - it packs up a dynebolic tree and creates a dyne:bolic ISO image for burning to CDs.

You need lots of disk space: dyne:bolic's 444MB CDROM unpacks to 1.8GB of data, and the
packing process requires a further 444MB of temporary space as well as the 444MB for the
new ISO image it is creating.

These scripts are available under http://freaknet.org/martin/dynebolic

Further help is available in the comments at the top of the scripts themselves.
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the help looks like this:
[*] dyne:bolic SDK version 0.2 - software development kit
 . Copyleft 2003 by jaromil - http://dynebolic.org
 . $Id: dynesdk,v 0.0 2003/10/24 15:44:00 jaromil Exp $
[*] SYNOPSIS: dynesdk [-hv] [-p prefix] [-u user -h host] COMMAND
 . -h print this help
 . -v print out the version of this sdk tool
 . -p path to the sdk base directory (default ./)
 . -u username for online operations
 . -h server hosting the online sdk
[*] macro COMMANDS:
 . checkout: download the sdk from an online server
 . commit: uploads the current sdk to the server (be careful!)
 . explode: opens an existing dyne:bolic iso into an SDK
 . implode: packs a dyne:bolic iso from the current SDK
 . chroot: dive inside the dyne:bolic SDK
[*] micro COMMANDS:
 . mkinitrd: makes an initrd.gz of INITRD_SIZE (6000)
 . mkhome: packs the home into the cdrom directory
 . mkvar: packs the var into the cdrom directory
 . mksquash: packs the squashed filesystem in the cdrom
 . mkiso: packs the cdrom directory into a bootable iso
Full instructions on how to customize dyne:bolic are available here: http://dev.dynebolic.org
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you will soon find the latest version on cvs.dyne.org (we are moving the CVS repository since the savannah crash), meanwhile you can also get this script via rsync on
rsync://rsync.dyne.org::dynebolic-dev-anon/cdrom/devel/dynesdk --port 6969

== System requirements ==

You will need a Pentium computer running Linux kernel 2.4.19 or later, with the squashfs kernel patches applied to the kernel and the squashfs tools installed (squashfs is available from http://squashfs.sourceforge.net).

If you want to compile programs to include in dyne:bolic, your system must compile against GLIBC_2.2 or earlier - GLIBC_2.3 is not yet included in dyne:bolic. You can find out if you have a compatible GLIBC on your system by compiling a simple C program, copying the binary executable into a running dyne:bolic system and trying to run it. If you have GLIBC_2.3 it will say so.

Some more instructions on how to use this script are available here: http://spot.river-styx.com/viewarticle.php?id=18

This is a page dedicated to people who want to get their hands inside dyne:bolic and modify it.

Modify the ISO with Jaromil's SDK: dynesdk

dynesdk is a shell command which takes arguments to execute different operations on the dyne:bolic ISO

Full instructions on how to customize dyne:bolic are available here: http://dev.dynebolic.org

Some more instructions on how to use this script are available here: http://spot.river-styx.com/viewarticle.php?id=18

DynebolicHackers (last edited 2008-06-26 09:51:39 by anonymous)