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svg test:

 * seq 1 380 | while read i; do fluxengine read ibm -s prova.flux --visualiser-period=$i --write-svg=$i.svg ; done

Appunti sull'uso della stracazzo di fluxengine

Hardware connections

  • Flat cable pin 1 to the micro-USB side.
  • Non-inverted floppy connection to the drive! Red wire to the dent side.

Turn on the FD FIRST, and connect the fluxengine usb cable AFTER. Drive must turn LED on for about 2 seconds, eventually parking the head.

If LED is fixed ON, this means some cable are upside down!

./fluxengine rpm must read the rpm speed. WITH A DISK INSIDE

Test cases

  • IBM PC 360K disk on 360KB drive: ./fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-40 -o petacci.img
  • ???IBM PC 1.2MB on 1.2MB drive: ./fluxengine read ibm -o petacci.img (to be tested)
  • IBM PC 360K Floppy disk on a 1.2MB DRIVE: ./fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-79x2 -o petacci12.img
  • Read data and flux, IBM PC 360KB Disk on 360K drive: fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-40 --retries=0 --revolutions=10 --overwrite --write-flux=testdisk.flux
  • M20: con drive da 1.2MB: fluxengine read ibm --retries=10 --revolutions=10 --write-flux=testdisk.flux

8 inches

  • fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-76 --retries=1 --revolutions=3 --overwrite --write-flux=prova.flux -o prova.img


  • nome="prova"; fluxengine read ibm --retries=1 --revolutions=3 --overwrite --write-flux=^Come.flux --visualiser-period=167 --write-svg=$nome.svg -o $nome.img

svg test:

  • seq 1 380 | while read i; do fluxengine read ibm -s prova.flux --visualiser-period=$i --write-svg=$i.svg ; done

FluxengineAppunti (last edited 2023-07-22 15:01:26 by asbesto)