Fluxengine scratchpad

Hardware connections

Turn on the FD FIRST, and connect the fluxengine usb cable AFTER. Drive must turn LED on for about 2 seconds, eventually parking the head.

If LED is fixed ON, this means some cable are upside down!

./fluxengine rpm must read the rpm speed. WITH A DISK INSIDE

Test cases

8 inches


svg test:

echo usage: leggi name

# normale 0.2, --bit-error-threshold=0.4 da provare in caso di errori anali
# :s=0 single side read

fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-77 --retries=100 --revolutions=5 --bit-error-threshold=0.4 --overwrite --write-flux=$nome.flux -o $nome.img 1>$nome.log 2>&1 &
#fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-77 --retries=10 --revolutions=5 --bit-error-threshold=0.4 --overwrite --write-flux=$nome.flux -o $nome.img 1>$nome.log 2>&1 &
#fluxengine read ibm -s:t=0-77 --retries=5 --revolutions=5 --bit-error-threshold=0.5 --overwrite --write-flux=$nome.flux -o $nome.img 1>$nome.log 2>&1 &
tail -f $nome.log

# --revolutions=X: when reading, spin the disk X times.  X can be a floating
# point number.  The default is usually 1.25.  Some formats default to 1.
# Increasing the number will sample more data, and can be useful on dubious
# disks to try and get a better read.
# --pulse-debounce-threshold controls whether FluxEngine ignores pairs of
# pulses in rapid succession.  This is common on some disks (I've
# observed them on Brother word processor disks).
# --clock-interval-bias adds a constant bias to the intervals between pulses
# before doing decodes.  This is very occasionally necessary to get clean
# reads - for example, if the machine which wrote the disk always
# writes pulses late.  If you try this, use very small numbers (e.g.  0.02).
# Negative values are allowed.
# Both these parameters take a fraction of a clock as a parameter, and
# you'll probably never need to touch them.