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Revision 9 as of 2005-07-11 10:04:54
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Editor: kysucix
Revision 10 as of 2005-07-11 10:07:20
Size: 1946
Editor: kysucix
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Now with [http://freej.org freej] you can stream video on internet to an [http://icecast.org icecast] server !

call it iptv, webtv, video streaming... you can send easily audio and video trought internet.

it's compatible with every theora player:


If you want to stream just download this package http://dyne.org/~kysucix/tmp/freej-0.7.2-rc2.tar.bz2 or latest svn code with:

svn co svn://code.dyne.org/rastasoft/freej/freej

and compile it with

./autogen.sh && make

(use ./autogen.sh --enable-sdl_image && make if you have sdl_image library and want to load also jpg images) install it with:

make install


The command line to stream is:

freej -s <resolution> -q <theora_quality>-a -i http://server:port/mountpoint.ogg -p password <file_to_load>


freej -s 240x180 -q 10 -a -i http://dyne.org:8000/freej.ogg -p hackme /dev/video0 stallman.avi mask.png subtitle.txt

And then press CTRL-s with the focus on freej window to stream. By default freej will record also on hardirs what you stream.

default quality is 16, but for low bandwidth I suggest to use a quality from 6 to 9.

It's dinamic bitrate streaming, with 7 theora quality and low resolution you'll achieve a < 30Kbps video streaming.

If you want to stream only video remove -a option.


For any problems write to freej a dyne.org or directly to kysucix a dyne.org or joing #freej or #dyne on freenode irc network

Ciao :)

[http://dyne.org/~kysucix/ kysucix]

FreejStreaming (last edited 2012-06-26 07:17:13 by 0v0x)