Differences between revisions 118 and 122 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 118 as of 2001-10-18 08:51:22
Size: 3662
Editor: anonymous
Revision 122 as of 2001-10-18 08:58:51
Size: 3595
Editor: anonymous
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Keep yourself updated about what's new here you can subscribe to our monthly [http://dyne.org/news/ ascii bulletin]. Keep yourself updated about what's new here: subscribe to our monthly [http://dyne.org/timezone ascii bulletin].
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Curious to know more about us? you can read DyneProfile and DyneNetwork and watch our [http://korova.dyne.org/peek web statistics] To know more about us you can read DyneProfile and DyneNetwork.
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|||| more informations here -> DyneBolic || |||| more informations here -> DyneBolic <N> ||


Welcome to our laboratory: here you'll find ideas, documentation and links inherent to [http://dyne.org dyne.org] projects and initiatives.

Keep yourself updated about what's new here: subscribe to our monthly [http://dyne.org/timezone ascii bulletin].

To know more about us you can read DyneProfile and DyneNetwork.

Feel free to ContactUs.



We are proud to announce our new production! the live bootable CD-ROM DyneBolic : a nice-looking silicium disk you put into your cd disk-tray and reboot your machine with it. You'll experience then something totally different (in case you've been just using proprietary software until now) and it's what is called Free Software. DyneBolic it's a complete operating system working without the need for any hard-disk, you need just some low profile hardware requirements and you'll get back true Love.

more informations here -> DyneBolic <N>

free software



last stable release

last update

[http://ascii.dyne.org HasciiCam]

(h)ascii 4 the masses!

[http://ascii.dyne.org/hasciicam-0.9.tar.gz 0.9] <D> 70k

16 july 2001

[http://muse.dyne.org MuSE]

Multiple Streaming Engine

[http://muse.dyne.org/MuSE-0.6.2.tar.gz 0.6.2] <D> 394k

24 august 2001

[http://www.hascii.org Hascii] /!\

codec compressed ascii streaming

no stable release

refer to [http://cvs.dyne.org cvs] updates

[http://freej.dyne.org FreeJ]

unified framework for realtime video processing

[http://freej.dyne.org/releases/FreeJ-0.2.1.tar.gz 0.2.1] <D> 143k

20 september 2001




upcoming public


how to setup an online streaming radio


performances / installations


in collaboration with

[http://www.sophisticatedsoiree.com Sophisticated Soiree]

heartbeat controlled sound and visuals

[http://www.sophisticatedsoiree.com/91v.html 92v2.0]

TheMitocondri <N>

freejazz and freesoftware big band

[http://misfu.dyne.org mi.s.fu], [http://entertrip.voyanet.org chaos league]

go to DynePerform for a full list


[http://proximity.dyne.org Proximity]

a mediascape study with Pierre Levy


[http://dyne.org/antig8 AntiG8]

genoa 21-22 july 2001



[http://www.hackmeeting.org hackmeeting.0x7d1] intro (594k linux x86 sourcecode)

free software demo

[http://www.netstrike.it netstrike.it]

fight for your right to demonstrate online!


[http://freaknet.org freaknet medialab]

laboratorio autogestito di informatica in Sicilia


FrontPage (last edited 2017-09-03 12:58:52 by asbesto)