The Maben / Amaus HOLOCAUST

This is the log of my effort to mirror the infamous S100 archive, called MABEN /

I have most of it in my disk, it was mirrored time ago. Now something was added and I want to download only what's missing.

No rsync - and wget probe every fucking single file, this is very annoying.


File listing

I download allfiles.txt:


Check for existing files

Get rid of first and last line, those are descriptions

asbesto@rover:~$ head -1 allfiles.txt
All files from S100 directory listed here at Thu Oct 11 16:00:01 BST 2018
asbesto@rover:~$ tail -1 allfiles.txt
All files listing completed at Thu Oct 11 16:13:18 BST 2018

sed '$d' < allfiles.txt | sed "1d" > allfiles2.txt

Filter and shape the file

Format of the file is:

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2346222 May  1  2009 /data/static/S100/avo/Avometer Model 8 Mk II Working Instructions.pdf

We want something like

wget -options /data/static/S100/avo/Avometer Model 8 Mk II Working Instructions.pdf

only for FILES, no directories! they will be created later.

Get rid of directories:

grep -v drwx allfiles2.txt  > allfiles3.txt

Cut out first 8 columns to leave only the filename:

awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=$5=$6=$7=$8=""; print}' allfiles3.txt > allfiles4.txt

Now shape the filenames etc.

Add brackets:

cp allfiles4.txt allfiles5.txt
sed -i 's/.*/"&"/' allfiles5.txt

and use an editor to trasform

" (8 spaces) / 



Also, "data" MUST GO.

Now we have allfiles5.txt with lines like those:

"./static/S100/extensys/photos/Extensys RM64 64K RAM.txt"
"./static/S100/microdesign/photos/Microdesign MR 8 RAM PROM card.jpg"


Using allfiles6.txt we add "ls" and pipe the output on a file, so we check for existing and missing files:

The file contains now:

ls "./static/S100/extensys/photos/Extensys RM64 64K RAM.txt"
ls "./static/S100/microdesign/photos/Microdesign MR 8 RAM PROM card.jpg"
ls "./static/S100/kontron/systems/z80a-ecb-e1_kontron_ger_bwr.pdf"

and so:

cd /media/asbesto/BALAZZO/
. /home/asbesto/allfiles7.txt  1>/home/asbesto/out7 2>/home/asbesto/err7
cd /home/asbesto/ 

out7 will contain existing files, err7 the missing files.

wc sum of out7 and err7 must match the wc count of allfiles7.txt

what the FUCK use to download

We try wget now that we DON'T have any FUCKING