
//preliminary notes...//

a story recorded with webcams

something that reflect also on the trick of time in the net

sometimes there is impression of deformation of time on line and you can go

but there is peculiar perception of contemporary and now back and forth this interaction between the distorsions of the time in a

story and distorsion of time in the net

and how to make the story can be also a game that has to happen and you write the file of the streams and edit them together

the story is not only in one place so you edit the streams coming from different places

we can do some live editing with 2 usb cams and a patch with a mixer

but what you edit

or put together happened on the time of the story like a real time not fiction we will basically edit A+B+C for exampleA is stream

from place A and so on but in the story the places are narratively connected

find the tales, the mood, the texture

- scratching time -

stop motion too