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Sei benvenuto a j Questo documento e' una carta magna aperta: e' programmatico, visionario e inclusivo. Vuole proporre un piano da condividere ed e' gia' condiviso da molti. Sei il benvenuto a far girare con noi la Ruota del Dharma della nostra storia!

Questo documento e' una sorta di "Magna Carta" aperto: e' programmatico, visionario e inclusivo. Vuole proporre un piano da condividere ed e' gia' condiviso da molti. Proprio ora il nostro network ha raggiunto gli 8 anni di vita e potete immaginare come questo numero sia molto importante per noi.Se siete curiosi di sapere cosa sta succedendo per favore continuate a leggere, non vi stupiremo con effetti speciali, ma con sogni, pensieri e progetti che siamo pronti a realizzare.

Ovviamente questo testo non parla solamente di "noi": essendo un network aperto, includiamo varie realta' in giro per il mondo, con cui adottiamo una politica di reciproco aiuto e collaborazione. Questa collaborazione e' prevalentemente tecnica, come lo e' la nostra attivita' nello sviluppo di software libero ed open source. In fatti, aldila' della generica idea di FOSS, noi siamo spinti dai seguenti sogni, che stanno lentamente ma costantemente diventando realta'...

Per tutto questo siamo infinitamente grati al Progetto GNU, che ci ha permesso di scoprire come ottenere conoscenza, prendere controllo dell'ambiente in cui viviamo ed anche iniziare a costruire un nuovo pianeta :)
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= La Giovinezza del Dharma =
'''cerco la traduzione di Fernanda Pivano sul libro da lei tradotto in italiano - asb'''

Prima di tutto vediamo chi siamo: dopo 8 anni siamo capaci di tracciare un comun denominatore tra le persone attive nel nostro network, interconnesse grazie ad un approccio nomadico allo sviluppo ed alla vita.

Noi siamo giovani sognatori, in quanto spesso amiamo oltrepassare i limiti ed inventare differenti modelli per imparare, comunicare, condividere e vivere, rispetto a quelli proposti dalle societa' nelle quali siamo ingabbiati. Abbiamo in comune il fatto che siamo sopravvissuti fuori dai luoghi comuni, abbiamo coltivato le nostre speranze ed i nostri metodi di condivisione, di conoscenza ed i nostri attrezzi, tenendoli al di fuori di qualsiasi scatola chiusa.

Questo e' un periodo della nostra storia in cui parleremo con giovani voci, stiamo muovendo dei passi cruciali su cui baseremo la nostra struttura, sperando di mescolare l'interiore con l'esteriore, lo Ying con lo Yang.

Alcuni di noi sono nomadi, alcuni stanziati in differenti posti di volta in volta, alcuni vivono ai margini dei luoghi del mondo dove sono nati, alcuni lavorano per multinazionali IT, altri sono in sella a biciclette a girare il mondo, alcuni danno letture nelle scuole, alcuni si esibiscono in gallerie artistiche, altri sono impegnati nello squatting di case.

Quello che proponiamo qui e' un nuovo modello e abbiamo finalmente acquisito una visione pratica che ci consenta di svilupparlo in armonia con i nostri differenti ambienti.

Continuate a leggere se siete interessati a capire il come e il perche'
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'''Original Text:'''

 . ''The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.'' (Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums)

First let's declare who we are: after 8 years we are able to trace a common denominator among the people active in our network, interconnected by a nomadic approach to development and life.

We are young dreamers, as we often like to stir limitations and invent different models to learn, communicate, share and live than those proposed by the societies where we are caged. We have in common that we survived out of the commonplaces, we cultivated our thoughts and sharing methods, knowledge and tools, keeping them out of any box.

This is the time in our history in which we'll speak with young voices, when we are moving some crucial steps on which we'll base our architectures, hopefully mixing the inner with the outer, the Ying with the Yang.

Some of us are nomads, some settle in different places time to time, some live in the same marginal neighbourhoods of the world where they were born, some are working for multinational IT companies, some are riding bicycles all around the world, some are lecturing in schools, some are exhibiting in art galleries and some are squatting houses. And yes, probably you are one of those, or you have been in contact with us, at least once.

What we are proposing here is a new model and we finally acquired a practical vision to develop it in harmony with our different environments.

Please continue reading if you like to discover why and how.
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'''Original Text:'''

 . ''The growth of the network rendered the non-propertarian alternative even more practical. What scholarly and popular writing alike denominate as a thing ("the Internet") is actually the name of a social condition: the fact that everyone in the network society is connected directly, without intermediation, to everyone else. The global interconnection of networks eliminated the bottleneck that had required a centralized software manufacturer to rationalize and distribute the outcome of individual innovation in the era of the mainframe.'' (Eben Moglen)

Free and open source software (often referred as FOSS) is, when referring to the original principles endorsed by the Free Software Foundation^[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fn.1|1]]^ (FSF), a new model for distribution, development and marketing of immaterial goods. While recommending you to have a look at the philosophy pages published by the FSF, we'll highlight some implications which are most important for us by letting our activities possible and motivating them.

FOSS implies an economical model based on collaboration instead of competition, fitting in the fields of academic research where sharing of knowledge is fundamental , and development where the joint efforts of different developers can be better sustained when distributed across various nodes. In this regards we like to quote John Nash (Nobel in 1994) saying that "the best result will come from everybody in the group doing what's best for himself, and the group".

Imagine then that all creations re-produced in this way can also be sold freely by anyone in each context: this opens up an horizon of new business models that are local, avoiding globalized exploitation, still sharing a global pool of knowledge useful to everyone.

Furthermore, in the fields of education we believe that the inherent independence of FOSS from commercial influences is crucial in order to empower students with a knowledge that they really own, not making them dependent from merchants owning their creations by imposing licenses on the tools they've learned.

At last just consider, and feel free to invent more on these tracks, the impact of FOSS in fields as communication, social networking, games, media and... evolution.

[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fnr.1|1.]] see [[http://www.fsf.org/|http://www.fsf.org]]
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'''Original Text:'''

 . ''Per far che i secoli tacciano di quel Trattato^[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fn.2|2]]^ che trafficò la mia patria, insospettì le nazioni e scemò dignità al tuo nome.'' (A Bonaparte liberatore, Ugo Foscolo, 1778-1827)
 ''One Planet, One Nation'' (Public Enemy)

Our homelands are displaced and sometimes very different, difficult to be put in contact with the boundaries given by nations. In fact we think that nation states should come to an end, for the borders they impose aren't matching with our aspirations and current ability to relate with each other.

During the few years of our lives we have been taught to interact and describe ourselves within national schemes, but the only real boundaries were the differences between our languages, while we have learned to cross them.

From our national histories we mostly inherited fears and hanger, but with this network we have learned how to bury them, as they don't belong to us anymore. What's left is a just a problem that can be solved: we will stop representing us as part of different nations. Even if we could, we don't intend to build our own nation, nor to propose you a new social contract, but to cross all of these borders as a unique networked planet, to start a new cartography.

We have a planet! and it is young enough to heal the scars left by the last centuries of war, imperialism, colonisation and prevarication that left most people around us cultivating differences and fake identities represented by flags and nationalist propaganda.

We aren't claiming to open the borders to the speculation of multinationals, since we are well aware this can be a rethoric used by neo-liberist interests to tramp over the autonomy of developing countries. The Contextual integrity^[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fn.3|3]]^ of different social ecosystems needs to be respected, but still as of today the national borders didn't succeeded in preserving it.

With some exceptions, most of the national programs and cultural funds we agreed to work with were pretending each of us would dress a flag, as we were recruited in a decadent game of national pride and competition, with an agenda of cultural, economical and physical domination, tracing all our movements, assimilating them to leviathans that are playing their last violent moves in a chess game for which we are just seamless pieces.

This doesn't makes anymore sense to our generation, we refuse to identify with the governments holding our passports, while we look forward to relate to each other on the basis of dialogue and exchange, approaches and architectures that can be imagined globally and developed locally, in a open way the channels that let us speak to you right now.

Therefore we declare '''the end of nations''', as our generation is connected by a way more complicated intersection of wills, destinies and, most importantly, problems to be solved.

[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fnr.2|2.]] Trattato di Campoformio

[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fnr.3|3.]] see Nissenbaum, H, (2007) Contextual Integrity - http://crypto.stanford.edu/portia/papers/RevnissenbaumDTP31.pdf

Original page:http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html

Hackers spinning the Dharma wheel

Sei il benvenuto a far girare con noi la Ruota del Dharma della nostra storia!

Questo documento e' una sorta di "Magna Carta" aperto: e' programmatico, visionario e inclusivo. Vuole proporre un piano da condividere ed e' gia' condiviso da molti. Proprio ora il nostro network ha raggiunto gli 8 anni di vita e potete immaginare come questo numero sia molto importante per noi.Se siete curiosi di sapere cosa sta succedendo per favore continuate a leggere, non vi stupiremo con effetti speciali, ma con sogni, pensieri e progetti che siamo pronti a realizzare.

Ovviamente questo testo non parla solamente di "noi": essendo un network aperto, includiamo varie realta' in giro per il mondo, con cui adottiamo una politica di reciproco aiuto e collaborazione. Questa collaborazione e' prevalentemente tecnica, come lo e' la nostra attivita' nello sviluppo di software libero ed open source. In fatti, aldila' della generica idea di FOSS, noi siamo spinti dai seguenti sogni, che stanno lentamente ma costantemente diventando realta'...

Per tutto questo siamo infinitamente grati al Progetto GNU, che ci ha permesso di scoprire come ottenere conoscenza, prendere controllo dell'ambiente in cui viviamo ed anche iniziare a costruire un nuovo pianeta :)

Original text:

You are welcome to join the new wheel spin of our history.

This document is an open magna carta: programmatic, visionary and inclusive, proposing you a plan to be shared and is already shared by many.

Right now our network has become 8 years old and by now you can imagine this number is very important to us. If you are curious to know what is happening please read on, we won't fancy you with special effects, but dreams, thoughts and projects we are ready to realize.

Of course this text doesn't just talks about "us": being an open network we are including multiple contexts around the world with which we share mutual help, where our contribution is mostly technical, as in our activity in free and open source development. In fact, besides the generic idea of FOSS, we are moved by the following dreams, that are slowly but steadily becoming reality...

For all this we are infinitely grateful to the GNU project that let us discover how to get hold of knowledge, take control of the architecture we live in and even start building a new planet :)

La Giovinezza del Dharma

cerco la traduzione di Fernanda Pivano sul libro da lei tradotto in italiano - asb

Prima di tutto vediamo chi siamo: dopo 8 anni siamo capaci di tracciare un comun denominatore tra le persone attive nel nostro network, interconnesse grazie ad un approccio nomadico allo sviluppo ed alla vita.

Noi siamo giovani sognatori, in quanto spesso amiamo oltrepassare i limiti ed inventare differenti modelli per imparare, comunicare, condividere e vivere, rispetto a quelli proposti dalle societa' nelle quali siamo ingabbiati. Abbiamo in comune il fatto che siamo sopravvissuti fuori dai luoghi comuni, abbiamo coltivato le nostre speranze ed i nostri metodi di condivisione, di conoscenza ed i nostri attrezzi, tenendoli al di fuori di qualsiasi scatola chiusa.

Questo e' un periodo della nostra storia in cui parleremo con giovani voci, stiamo muovendo dei passi cruciali su cui baseremo la nostra struttura, sperando di mescolare l'interiore con l'esteriore, lo Ying con lo Yang.

Alcuni di noi sono nomadi, alcuni stanziati in differenti posti di volta in volta, alcuni vivono ai margini dei luoghi del mondo dove sono nati, alcuni lavorano per multinazionali IT, altri sono in sella a biciclette a girare il mondo, alcuni danno letture nelle scuole, alcuni si esibiscono in gallerie artistiche, altri sono impegnati nello squatting di case.

Quello che proponiamo qui e' un nuovo modello e abbiamo finalmente acquisito una visione pratica che ci consenta di svilupparlo in armonia con i nostri differenti ambienti.

Continuate a leggere se siete interessati a capire il come e il perche'

Dharma youth

Original Text:

  • The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. (Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums)

First let's declare who we are: after 8 years we are able to trace a common denominator among the people active in our network, interconnected by a nomadic approach to development and life.

We are young dreamers, as we often like to stir limitations and invent different models to learn, communicate, share and live than those proposed by the societies where we are caged. We have in common that we survived out of the commonplaces, we cultivated our thoughts and sharing methods, knowledge and tools, keeping them out of any box.

This is the time in our history in which we'll speak with young voices, when we are moving some crucial steps on which we'll base our architectures, hopefully mixing the inner with the outer, the Ying with the Yang.

Some of us are nomads, some settle in different places time to time, some live in the same marginal neighbourhoods of the world where they were born, some are working for multinational IT companies, some are riding bicycles all around the world, some are lecturing in schools, some are exhibiting in art galleries and some are squatting houses. And yes, probably you are one of those, or you have been in contact with us, at least once.

What we are proposing here is a new model and we finally acquired a practical vision to develop it in harmony with our different environments.

Please continue reading if you like to discover why and how.

Freedom of Creativity

Original Text:

  • The growth of the network rendered the non-propertarian alternative even more practical. What scholarly and popular writing alike denominate as a thing ("the Internet") is actually the name of a social condition: the fact that everyone in the network society is connected directly, without intermediation, to everyone else. The global interconnection of networks eliminated the bottleneck that had required a centralized software manufacturer to rationalize and distribute the outcome of individual innovation in the era of the mainframe. (Eben Moglen)

Free and open source software (often referred as FOSS) is, when referring to the original principles endorsed by the Free Software Foundation[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fn.1|1]] (FSF), a new model for distribution, development and marketing of immaterial goods. While recommending you to have a look at the philosophy pages published by the FSF, we'll highlight some implications which are most important for us by letting our activities possible and motivating them.

FOSS implies an economical model based on collaboration instead of competition, fitting in the fields of academic research where sharing of knowledge is fundamental , and development where the joint efforts of different developers can be better sustained when distributed across various nodes. In this regards we like to quote John Nash (Nobel in 1994) saying that "the best result will come from everybody in the group doing what's best for himself, and the group".

Imagine then that all creations re-produced in this way can also be sold freely by anyone in each context: this opens up an horizon of new business models that are local, avoiding globalized exploitation, still sharing a global pool of knowledge useful to everyone.

Furthermore, in the fields of education we believe that the inherent independence of FOSS from commercial influences is crucial in order to empower students with a knowledge that they really own, not making them dependent from merchants owning their creations by imposing licenses on the tools they've learned.

At last just consider, and feel free to invent more on these tracks, the impact of FOSS in fields as communication, social networking, games, media and... evolution.

1. see http://www.fsf.org

No nationhood

Original Text:

  • Per far che i secoli tacciano di quel Trattato[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fn.2|2]] che trafficò la mia patria, insospettì le nazioni e scemò dignità al tuo nome. (A Bonaparte liberatore, Ugo Foscolo, 1778-1827) One Planet, One Nation (Public Enemy)

Our homelands are displaced and sometimes very different, difficult to be put in contact with the boundaries given by nations. In fact we think that nation states should come to an end, for the borders they impose aren't matching with our aspirations and current ability to relate with each other.

During the few years of our lives we have been taught to interact and describe ourselves within national schemes, but the only real boundaries were the differences between our languages, while we have learned to cross them.

From our national histories we mostly inherited fears and hanger, but with this network we have learned how to bury them, as they don't belong to us anymore. What's left is a just a problem that can be solved: we will stop representing us as part of different nations. Even if we could, we don't intend to build our own nation, nor to propose you a new social contract, but to cross all of these borders as a unique networked planet, to start a new cartography.

We have a planet! and it is young enough to heal the scars left by the last centuries of war, imperialism, colonisation and prevarication that left most people around us cultivating differences and fake identities represented by flags and nationalist propaganda.

We aren't claiming to open the borders to the speculation of multinationals, since we are well aware this can be a rethoric used by neo-liberist interests to tramp over the autonomy of developing countries. The Contextual integrity[[http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/first_dharma_dyne.html#fn.3|3]] of different social ecosystems needs to be respected, but still as of today the national borders didn't succeeded in preserving it.

With some exceptions, most of the national programs and cultural funds we agreed to work with were pretending each of us would dress a flag, as we were recruited in a decadent game of national pride and competition, with an agenda of cultural, economical and physical domination, tracing all our movements, assimilating them to leviathans that are playing their last violent moves in a chess game for which we are just seamless pieces.

This doesn't makes anymore sense to our generation, we refuse to identify with the governments holding our passports, while we look forward to relate to each other on the basis of dialogue and exchange, approaches and architectures that can be imagined globally and developed locally, in a open way the channels that let us speak to you right now.

Therefore we declare the end of nations, as our generation is connected by a way more complicated intersection of wills, destinies and, most importantly, problems to be solved.

2. Trattato di Campoformio

3. see Nissenbaum, H, (2007) Contextual Integrity - http://crypto.stanford.edu/portia/papers/RevnissenbaumDTP31.pdf

Networked cities

Horizontal media

Freedom of identity




On site On line


WeaverBirds/it (last edited 2011-11-14 10:52:17 by jaromil)