Differences between revisions 42 and 49 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 42 as of 2004-08-23 20:59:52
Size: 4895
Editor: anonymous
Revision 49 as of 2005-05-20 11:19:06
Size: 3777
Editor: anonymous
Comment: cleanup
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This is a Dynebolic wishlist. If you want something added to Dynebolic, you can add it here. Please only add software that is free (as in speech). This is a Dynebolic wishlist. If you want something added to Dynebolic, you can add it here.

Please only add software that is free (as in speech).
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 * ltsp, so only one server with dynebolic and all other clients can boot directly into x without needing expesive hardware. can make lots of 386/486 be usefull again.  * ALSA 1.0.8, for better sound module support (specifically the Motif R and a number of USB keyboards)
 * something similar to ltsp, easy configuration of remote X server-terminals architecture
 * What about if I could install a new application on my hard-disk and then burn a new Dynebolic Bootable CD including it?
   * that can probably be UnionFS, help is welcome to set that up -jrml
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 * What about if I could install a new application on my hard-disk and then burn a new Dynebolic Bootable CD including it?

 * Docking
   *A simple script for an HD installation ( knoppix like )
 * Xfree
   * resolution change
   * synaptics touch pad driver, really needed for laptops, can be probably be found at http://w1.894.telia.com/~u89404340/touchpad/
   * multiple monitor support, really needed for more serious veejay stuff
 * kernel 2.6
   * Necessary kernel extensions "squashfs" and "OpenMosix" are not available for kernel versions above 2.4.22. -martin
 * kernel 2.6 in dyne:II
   * Necessary kernel patch "OpenMosix" is not available for kernel versions above 2.4.x -martin
   * The FATX driver for Linux 2.6 is broken: serious Linux distributions for XBoxes must still use the 2.4 kernel. When they come out with Dynebolic 2, we'll lose XBox support for FATX formatted partitions (if the XBox has cromwell instead, you could wipe the drive clean and format it all as an ext3 filesystem).
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     * updates to X will support this.
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   * vloopback (see http://veejay.sourceforge.net/mini_howto.html)    * vloopback (see http://veejay.sourceforge.net/mini_howto.html) vloopback lets you use software to feed a application that only takes v4l inputs. (can be found at http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/VideoFourLinuxLoopbackDevice)
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 * Litestream, audio streaming server [http://www.litestream.org/]
 * Rexima, commandline volume mixer [http://rus.members.beeb.net/rexima.html]
 * DVDStyler, a easy GUI solution for making DVDs with menus and trimmings http://dvdstyler.sourceforge.net
 * Litestream, audio streaming server http://www.litestream.org
 * Rexima, commandline volume mixer http://rus.members.beeb.net/rexima.html
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 * POV-Ray, a raytracing software [http://www.povray.org]
* veejay, VJ app [http://veejay.sf.net/], with vloopback it can be used in combination with other apps
 * POV-Ray, a raytracing software [http://www.povray.org] (NOT FREE)
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 * alsa-tools and alsa-firmware packages for card specific tools
* Cinepaint (ex Film Gimp) (possibly in replacement for Gimp but more likely in addition to it) [http://cinepaint.sourceforge.net]
 * Lame mp3 encoder. most music players wouldn't get anythng but good old mp3 files..
 * Cinepaint (ex Film Gimp) (possibly in replacement for Gimp but more likely in addition to it) http://cinepaint.sourceforge.net
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 * Firefox popular pluggins (Flash and MPlayer especially) [http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.htm]
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 * possibility to change window size of "GNU screen" windows (with + and - keys)
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 * Ardour, hard disc recorder [http://ardour.sf.net/]
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= Dynebolic Unwishlist =

What do you think should be removed from dynebolic, and why?

== Features ==

=== Fluxbox ===

Fluxbox and Windowmaker seem to give almost exactly the same functionality.
They seem as bad as each other to me, :) and having two systems to do the same thing
increases complexity, and doubles the work in maintaining the menus etc etc.
(which, in practice, is not done: in d:b 1.1.1, the flux box menu is months out of date
and does not reflect reality.)

 * Maybe xpde can take over one of them? Many Gnubies would feel at home instantly :) http://xpde.com/
 * I think that qvwm+xfm [http://www.qvwm.org/] will be much better...
== Applications ==

=== Lives video editor ===

LiVES decodes each frame into a single JPEG file in /tmp.
3 hours of Lord of the Rings at 25 frames per second is a LOT of files, never mind the disk space.
LiVES is unusable as a direct result of this.
Another video editor (cinelerra) just moves up and down the file and seems to have
little problem with even the largest file. This is the right approach.
-martin, quoting jimbo

* possibility to change window size of "GNU screen" windows (with + and - keys)

Dynebolic Wishlist

This is a Dynebolic wishlist. If you want something added to Dynebolic, you can add it here.

Please only add software that is free (as in speech).

Please say who you are that wants it, and why (say something about it)

See also the DyneBolicSoftwareList


  • ALSA 1.0.8, for better sound module support (specifically the Motif R and a number of USB keyboards)
  • something similar to ltsp, easy configuration of remote X server-terminals architecture
  • What about if I could install a new application on my hard-disk and then burn a new Dynebolic Bootable CD including it?
    • that can probably be UnionFS, help is welcome to set that up -jrml
  • kernel 2.6 in dyne:II
    • Necessary kernel patch "OpenMosix" is not available for kernel versions above 2.4.x -martin

    • The FATX driver for Linux 2.6 is broken: serious Linux distributions for XBoxes must still use the 2.4 kernel. When they come out with Dynebolic 2, we'll lose XBox support for FATX formatted partitions (if the XBox has cromwell instead, you could wipe the drive clean and format it all as an ext3 filesystem).
  • Drivers (hardware support) for:


protocols popular in Poland (but not only). [http://gadu.gnu.pl/index.php?lang=en&page=news]

Only useful when JACK is available

  • Creox, a real time sound processor, [http://www.uid0.sk/zyzstar/?creox], it's really nice as a guitar effector, and is easier to use than for instance jack-rack.

  • SuperCollider, real time audio programming language [http://supercollider.sf.net/]

    • This is still in cvs, but already quite usable, GNU/Linux version will probably be in cvs for a long long while, so it would be kewl to include it anyway, oh and there's already a Debian package somewhere. Including it will be a great way to attract hurds of enthusiastic Mac OS X musicians :)

WishList (last edited 2011-07-03 20:13:27 by anonymous)