Differences between revisions 5 and 13 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2009-11-16 16:39:28
Size: 832
Editor: fruity
Revision 13 as of 2009-11-16 20:41:20
Size: 1369
Editor: fruity
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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* apache or ngingx? old but solid or new with an ongoing development?
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    I thought myself using a beast like apache to do load balancing was a bit like killing a fly with a nuke, so for I looked elsewhere for two solutions, reverse proxy or tcp-loadbalance? and then apt-cache search came to the rescue:  * apache or ngingx? old but solid or new with an ongoing development? wich for load and wich for serving?
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[[/pound|Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web servers]]   My head started to wirl and I thought myself using a beast like apache to do load balancing was a bit like killing a fly with a nuke, so for I looked elsewhere for a solution and apt-cache search came to the rescue:
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* database: mysql?postgres?sqlite?ORACLE!??   [[http://www.apsis.ch/pound/|Pound]]

  The config file is one placed in ''/etc/pound/pound.conf'', is very simple and straight forward.

  [[/pound|Pound Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web servers]]

 For the serving of static/dynamic content I decided that also for serving apache wasn't good enough, I looked over webrick and was not stable enough, I looked over python-wisted and it wasn't fast enough and so I found [[http://yaws.hyber.org/|YAWS (Yet Another Web Server)]] written in erlang designed for performance and scalability over multiple servers.
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 * database: mysql?postgres?sqlite?ORACLE!??

Breaking the LAMP loop, alternative web serving methods

Lately I decided to look elsewhere than the usual "linux apache mysql php". Reading on docs makes me draw something like apache or ngingx as a load balancer front-end, the same as the backend adding lighttpd for fast streaming ofdata. This leave me more confused than before:

  • apache or ngingx? old but solid or new with an ongoing development? wich for load and wich for serving?
    • My head started to wirl and I thought myself using a beast like apache to do load balancing was a bit like killing a fly with a nuke, so for I looked elsewhere for a solution and apt-cache search came to the rescue:


      The config file is one placed in /etc/pound/pound.conf, is very simple and straight forward.

      Pound Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web servers

    For the serving of static/dynamic content I decided that also for serving apache wasn't good enough, I looked over webrick and was not stable enough, I looked over python-wisted and it wasn't fast enough and so I found YAWS (Yet Another Web Server) written in erlang designed for performance and scalability over multiple servers.

Yet Another Web Server(in erlang)

  • database: mysql?postgres?sqlite?ORACLE!??

fruity/Web (last edited 2009-11-17 00:48:20 by fruity)