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Cara Manar,

la tua lettera è molto bella, è bella la ironia che usi per parlare di certi problemi, per altri problemi la ironia non è sufficiente.

Io ho preso un poco di tempo per rispondere alla tua lettera. La paura di dire troppe cose senza senso, invece io voglio provare a dire a te altro.

Io studio filosofia anche perché io amo la palestina; perché spero che esiste un occidente che riconosce la esistenza di altri modi di esistere, altri modi di cultura. Perché un occidente non tenti di essere uno stato colonia con il resto del mondo. Per quanto io possa essere un innamorato della palestina, per quanto io posso stare tanto tempo in palestina io resto e resterò sempre un occidentale, ed è con lo occidente che devo anche cambiare il modo di vedere voi.

Alla fine tutto il mio mondo guarda il mondo arabo come un mondo di matti. Io prima di scendere in palestina credevo che tutte le diversità avessero diritto di esistere e che non esiste una buona e una cattiva.

Dopo la palestina sono ancora più convinto di questo.
Serve gente intelligente e sensibile in occidente, tu non credere che c’è bella gente qui. Studiano tutti e molti sono ricchi, ma sono molto razzisti e ignoranti.

A Qalqilia ho conosciuto delle donne del fronte. Loro sono bellissime, emancipate. E spesso credo che il futuro della palestina è nelle donne. Nella loro straordinaria capacità di essere tessuto sociale. Di essere stato dove non c’è lo stato.

Io rido ai tuoi tre punti interrogativi. io lo so che tu vuoi essere uomo. Ma tu sei cosi bella ad essere donna che io cosi sono più contento di conoscerti. Credo che la tua vita abbia un senso grande.
Sai che qui in italia, in questo distratto occidente, le donne sono molto stupide? Ad esempio non si fanno domande su quello che succede nel resto del mondo. Ho trovato molte donne interessanti in palestina, più che in italia.

Conosco le storie dei palestinesi arrestati e che sono prigionieri nelle prigioni di Israele. L’altro giorno mi è arrivato un messaggio sul mobile che hanno arretsato un ragazzo che ci aveva ospitato da lui. Lui è un ragazzo di Abu Dis. Sono stato triste. Sono cose che accadono sempre da voi. Accadono anche in Italia con chi non la pensa come lo stato, accade di meno, ma accade.
Io voglio imparare l’arabo. Credo che è una delle poche cose utili che posoo fare nella mia vita. Aiutami a impararlo!

Tu sai che hai un amico in italia, che se vuoi venire qui hai una casa. Se hai problemi con la famiglia vieni con tuo fratello. Se tuo fratello fa troppo il maschilista arabo tu pala con me, lo tratto male io.

Forse questa è solo 1/2 lettera
Forse domani continuo a scrivere
Ti voglio bene
The Civil Administration yesterday morning destroyed
11 structures in an area occupied by Palestinians in
the southern Hebron foothills. They included shacks,
tents and public facilities erected by the British
government's Department for International Development.

Large forces of IDF troops and border policemen,
accompanied by bulldozers, arrived in the area where
several hundred Palestinians live in caves and pits
near their fields. The structures destroyed were
located in an area that lies between the Green Line
and three settlements - Ma'on, Carmel and Susiya.

The action went ahead although Palestinians and the
civil administration are waiting for the results of
mediation intended to determine whether the
Palestinians can go on living in the area and working
their fields.

The route of the separation fence is supposed to cross
the northern tip of the area and it is due to be built
in the coming months.

In 1999, the civil administration evicted several
hundred Palestinians from the same region after
declaring it a live-fire area.

The issue then went to the High Court of Justice which
ruled in 2000 that the residents had the right to
return. At that point, it was agreed to start
mediation but the process has not yet been completed.

The Civil Administration yesterday morning destroyed 11 structures in an area occupied by Palestinians in the southern Hebron foothills. They included shacks, tents and public facilities erected by the British government's Department for International Development.

Large forces of IDF troops and border policemen, accompanied by bulldozers, arrived in the area where several hundred Palestinians live in caves and pits near their fields. The structures destroyed were located in an area that lies between the Green Line and three settlements - Ma'on, Carmel and Susiya.

The action went ahead although Palestinians and the civil administration are waiting for the results of mediation intended to determine whether the Palestinians can go on living in the area and working their fields.

The route of the separation fence is supposed to cross the northern tip of the area and it is due to be built in the coming months.

In 1999, the civil administration evicted several hundred Palestinians from the same region after declaring it a live-fire area.

The issue then went to the High Court of Justice which ruled in 2000 that the residents had the right to return. At that point, it was agreed to start mediation but the process has not yet been completed.

Dear alessandro Scriverti in inglese perche non parlo italiano per niente , va bene cost ? ( I asked afriened to help with reading and writing to you in italian )

I am fine , my life is the same no changes , I will look for a new jop with the minctry of education , so I hope I will got it , its better than private

  • ‘moslimes” school ?

i am olso sorry I don’t write to you mouch because I also have to go to the enternet cafe to send and use my mail, I usuallly go tow dayes a week I want to tell you alittle bet about the life and the arab socity, maybe robirta will tell you better , she was here and stayed with me and my family and she saw the life and every thing spacial for being a girl It is realy hard to be a girl here .. will the men are very luky here, they can do what they want , like my brother he visited lots of countries and the family where happy for him to got a chance like this, but the girl it is forbeden to leave or to be late in any place , I have a chance to go to brazil but the familly did not agree , because I am a ( girl) so I hate being a girl , and I always wished to be man ??? Any way its too late now , Its nice to hear that you study philosophy , when I was at uni I had phelosophy course and we raed sophias world I did not undrestand it very well so … I think its not that easy…… Alessandro another thing I would like to speak with you about . .. the intefada effect too mouch on me .. I am very sad now .. I had many friends they are now at the israile jail , it is too hard to stay strong here… I am trying to forget what happen to them but I cant … three dayes ago I visited my frined and I was happy with her she is ingajed and she was praparing for her wedding in May … but after one day from my visit I read at the tv the name of her finsie that the solder aristed him ?? so I was sad and I cant call her because I don’t know what I can say to her … I have lotes of stories like this . but don’t worry I still have my smile , many people they speak to me about the bad situotoin and feel srtange when they see me still smiling .. Ok now take care and if you like to ask about any thing here don’t wory just ask I will write to you next week I hope , if every thing is well here Keep in touch Lots of love: manar al azzeh.

hi alessandro, i talked to amira and lucas about the film and none of us have seen it. we're trying to collect documentaries in the office so it would be really wonderful if you could make us a copy. do you have the pengon address? how is work on your documentary going? you must have a lot of footage to go through. not much good news here. the army continues to come to dheisheh almost nightly and have regularly arrested people. it was passover and easter last week so jerusalem was crazy with tourists here for holy days. many american jews walking around waving israeli flags. lots of press came to dheisheh in the past few days to see the refugees reaction to bush. they put ziad on bbc news. alright, i should go back to my piles. (i got through all the ones that were out when you were here but now am working on amira's office) take care and thank you.

josie and i haven't forgotten about the contact for the Canadian Film Festival. It's just been a little crazy lately because i had a big proposal due last week for Ibdaa. I will be back in Ibdaa on friday the 23rd and will hopefully be able to send you the information then.


governo americano

presidente GeorgewBush

the Cabinet uyybzcfzesxbole Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman

Secretary of Commerce Don Evans

Secretary of Defense DonaldRumsfeld

Secretary of Education Rod Paige

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham

Secretary of Health & Human Services Tommy Thompson

Secretary of Homeland Security TomRidge

Secretary of State ColinPowell

Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta

Secretary of Treasury John Snow

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi

Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Mel Martinez

Secretary of Interior GaleNorton

Attorney General John Ashcroft

Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao

consiglieri del presidente

Consigliere Di Sicurezza Nazionale CondoleezzaRice


governo israeliano

ArielSharon - Prime Minister

(inoltre tiene le comunicazioni, l'alloggiamento e la costruzione, gli affari labor e sociali e le cartelle religiose di affari)

  • YosefLapid - Ministro della Giustizia, and Deputy Prime Minister

    EhudOlmert - Ministro dell'industria e del commercio, and Deputy Prime Minister

    SilvanShalom -Ministro degli affari esteri, and Deputy Prime Minister

    BenyaminElon - Ministro del turismo

    TzachiHanegbi - Ministro della pubblica sicurezza

    YisraelKatz - Ministro dell'agricoltura e dello sviluppo rurale

    AvigdorLieberman - Ministro dei trasporti

    LimorLivnat - Ministro della educazione, cultura e sport

    TzipiLivni - Ministero per l'assorbimento degli immigrati

    ShaulMofaz - Ministro delle difesa

    YehuditNaot - Ministro dell'ambiente

    DanNaveh - Ministro della salute

    BenjaminNetanyahu - Ministro della finanza

    JosephParitzky - Ministro delle infrastrutture nazionali Avraham Poraz - Ministro dell'interno Eliezer Sandberg - Ministero delle scienze e tecconologie Gideon Ezra - Minister without Portfolio Uzi Landau - Minister without Portfolio Natan Sharansky - Minister without Portfolio

Meir Sheetrit - Minister without Portfolio

mace (last edited 2008-06-26 09:53:48 by anonymous)