Using Sudo

sudo allows ordinary users to access system utilities normally only available to the administrator.

This worked on dyne:bolic 2.5.2. All this needs to be done as root. After creating your user:

1) create a group called admin with the command:

groupadd admin

2) edit your sudoers file with the command:


find the line where it says 'uncomment to allow all people in group wheel to run all commands'. Uncomment the line below (by deleting the #) Change 'wheel' to 'admin'. Save & exit.

3) Edit the file /etc/group. Find the line for admin & add your user name

(if there is more than one name separate them with commas (don't forget to add the default dyne:bolic user account 'luther'!). I added my name to all the groups that luther was in (I think you need to join the audio group to get real time privileges & access the mixer)

4) Exit X & then completely log out by typing exit. Log back in again & use command startx

After this your normal user password should work in the adminstration password dialogues.