Differences between revisions 26 and 27
Revision 26 as of 2011-03-31 15:20:20
Size: 2254
Editor: 0v0x
Revision 27 as of 2011-04-18 01:39:10
Size: 2325
Editor: 0v0x
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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==== The best of myself is out of here. La vida está en otra parte. No creo en nothing que no was brain washed long long time ago, I can still remember que yo sólo sé que no sé nothing. The answer is fucking in the wind. Si te enojas pierdes :-) ==== ==== {i} The best of myself is out of here. La vida está en otra parte. No creo en nothing que no was brain washed long long time ago, I can still remember. Quien sepa que no hable, Quien hable es que no sabe. The answer is fucking in the wind. Si te enojas pierdes :-) ====
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'''Recuerdo que nací para morir sin rostro''' '''Recuerdo que nací para morir sin rostro suspirando por la menopausia del espíritu ajeno.'''


( 0v0 )

A few words about Me :-?

{i} The best of myself is out of here. La vida está en otra parte. No creo en nothing que no was brain washed long long time ago, I can still remember. Quien sepa que no hable, Quien hable es que no sabe. The answer is fucking in the wind. Si te enojas pierdes :-)

Guess Who?

Recuerdo que nací para morir sin rostro suspirando por la menopausia del espíritu ajeno.

Adivina adivinadora

{i} From now on I decided to be ...

a musician and a poet with my smarthphone B-)


De grande yo quiero ser...

the best realistic painter with my cloud computer |)


On the lab

{*} En este laboratorio I'm working on this more or less; obviously it depends of my brain mechanics, so please don't disturb :)

Dyne wiki

Network Tequios


Cultura Libre






vlax (last edited 2015-09-07 17:20:02 by vlax)