Webcam command line applications
Check also RTSPHolocaust
Configuration script
Dyne works fine with logitech quickcam :
modprobe mod_quickcam.o
ln -sf /dev/v4l/video0 /dev/video
Check TroubleShooting for other webcams
* is a tutorial for using "webcam" , a simple grabber for webcams. * Motion can do everything with a webcam includind pre-treatments of grabbed images. (todo : check the install in dyne...)
Image filtering and analysing the classical image magick (todo : check the install in dyne...)
OCR would do the trick (todo : check the install in dyne...)
Overall glue
A simple perl script in daemon mode would take a screenshot every second , a simple compare image would localize change in the picture and then activate the treatment and the "processing algorithm".