Welcome to the dyne.org developers wiki lounge

Software for the freedom of speech and creation, audio/video streaming architectures by the dyne.org hackers.


In these pages you'll find technical documentation on dyne.org software and code components used in them.

All code is licensed under the GNU GPL License.

Repositories are on http://git.dyne.org

Developers lounge

This is a portal to various source code repositories, it gathers links and documentation about code components that are of no interest for the end user, only for the hacker.

This portal will not host the ultimate documentation of code components: it is a place for coders to exchange knowledge and experience about various reusable parts of their code.

If you are a coder and have something to document here, you are welcome to contact us

As an overview, these are other code repositories linked by this portal:

Highlights on single components

This section briefly reviews some code components in dyne.org software that is reusable and flexible enough to be an interesting recepy for programmers reading.