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Welcome to the developers wiki lounge
Software for the freedom of speech and creation, audio/video streaming architectures by the hackers.
In these pages you'll find technical documentation on software and code components used in them.
All code is licensed under the GNU GPL License.
Code is managed using git, our collective repositories are on
If you don't know git yet have a look at everyday git, the git documentation and this tutorial here is also good.
How to use our GIT setup
You need to read these instructions only if you have a development account, anonymous read-only access is granted at the url git://
In case you have a developer account then you already exchanged your ssh public key
Next step is to check out the code over a secure connection, which in our case listens on port 2222, therefore add this entry into your .ssh/config (create the file if needed)
Host Compression yes Port 2222 User git
Then proceed cloning the repository
git clone
note that the above git url differs in syntax from the anonymous url, especially with the use of colon before projectname.git
Remember that all your commits will be publicly exposed online, forever archived and associated with the username you are using, therefore think twice and check your .gitconfig file:
[user] name = Public name or nick email =
Where you can setup whatever name you want, we have no particular requirements, just make sure it is actually appearing what you want to appear.
Official codebase lives at so when you pull you have to use git pull --rebase. To simplify this task we strongly suggest you to define the following alias:
$ git config --global alias.up "pull --rebase"
and then use git up instead.
You might also want to experience some special effects, then let us suggest these entries in .gitconfig
[color] branch = auto diff = auto interactive = auto status = auto
If you are adding a new repository on our server then go inside your local git repo and do
git remote add origin git push origin master:refs/heads/master
Happy hacking!
Developers lounge
This is a portal to various source code repositories, it gathers links and documentation about code components that are of no interest for the end user, only for the hacker.
This portal will not host the ultimate documentation of code components: it is a place for coders to exchange knowledge and experience about various reusable parts of their code.
If you are a coder and have something to document here, you are welcome to contact us
As an overview, these are other code repositories linked by this portal:
Hinezumilabs & Freaknet codes: Code/Hinezumi
Poetry Hacklab: