il testo รจ in italiano e inglese (Giangi)


World ONG/OSC Forum on the "food sovereignty" ( Rome, June 9 -13th 2002)

Right to food and to communicate

Confirming the actual value of the final declaration on " the role of mass media and the rights of the exploited" here enclosed (World NGO Forum on Hunger and underdevelopment -Rome, nov.1996) and with reference to the popular fights on the food, water, agricultural and genetic problems

DAC Forum underlines that popular needs and fights on this matter are strongly linked with similar needs on the Knowledge, information and mass communication processes. A same fight for the main human and social rights - active and passive- as the following :

- food and mass communication sovereignity; - rights to food and to communicate; - safety and reliability on the food and on the information messages; - social access to the agricultural and mass media decisions; - production autonomy on the agricultural and mass -media fields; - An agricultural, genetic and mass-media ecology ; - NO pollution and manipulation on the mass-media and genetic processes; - NO private intellectual property (copyrights) on the universal resources (genetics and media) - Mass communication , food, water, genetic resources as universal collective property

So the imperialistic robbery of the agricultural and genetic resources is combined and supported by the robbery of the Knowledge, information and mass communication processes. A double robbery leaded by the USA imperialism over the world, using big Capitals and blackmails, devasting wars, intrusive media propaganda. The forced diffusion of the imperialistic negative values with related egoistic and parasitic life-styles penalizes the majority of the humanity , excluded and exploited. So a large and growing part of people suffer desctructions, hunger, thirst,deseases and arrogance.

For these reasons DAC Forum launches an urgent appeal to the ONG/SCO associations, Institutional Bodies,political parties, trade unions and individuals, in order to fight for a new political , production and consumption model - more equitable , sustainable and solidaristic- both for the agricultural and for the communication aspects.

Rome, June 10th 2002

* DAC ( Diritto a Comunicare = Right To Communicate)