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Editor: jaromil
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this page is heavily targeted by spam bots: until we find a solution please post your new modules on the mailinglist, they'll be added here.

Dyne:bolic modules allow software to be added to a dyne:bolic system by simply adding them to the dyne/modules folder & booting. More info at http://dynebolic.org/manual/x165.htm

Get more modules at http://dynebolic.org/index.php?show=modules

Links to community developed modules

* [http://silenceisdefeat.org/~atomic/linux.html WEP modules] Audio synthesis module (including dssi and bristol synthesizers) and a Meter Bridge module.

* [http://dyneusrmods.joolo.com/ dyneusrmods] various modules

* [http://ourthing.altervista.org/dynebolic OurThing] has a collection of modules for various use like Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, ChessDB, GNUchess, cmake, NTFS-3G (write on a NTFS Partition), Caml, Skype, rtorrent, 7zip/p7zip

* [http://stomfi.net/ stomfi.net] some dyne modules like Ecasound, Incognito plus tuxpaint and more.

* [http://www.transformate.de/downloads.html transformate] some dyne modules for artistic usage, like gephex, datadada and more. Three new dyne modules: terminatorX, synaesthesia, whitenoise.

* [http://puredyne.goto10.org pure:dyne] modules from the pure:dyne developers for various use. There are a lot of modules like java, wine, processing, pd, ardour2, wired and many more.

*[http://giftmischer.isgreat.org/dyne/modules giftmischer.isgreat.org] provides a stable version of audacity (with and without Portaudio v19), the Java Runtime Enviroment, Tuxguitar and some tools and games.

* [http://www.divshare.com/download/1710721-8e0 lmms.dyne] LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular programs like fruityloops, cubase and logic.

* [http://1010.co.uk/xxxxx.dyne xxxxx]dyne module. Right click and save link as. some commandline tools for artistic and programming use. See http://1010.co.uk/software.html for more info.

Express your longings at

* DyneModulesWishlist

this page is heavily targeted by spam bots: until we find a solution please post your new modules on the mailinglist, they'll be added here.

DyneModules (last edited 2010-07-15 15:59:02 by anonymous)