Differences between revisions 205 and 284 (spanning 79 versions)
Revision 205 as of 2004-01-13 03:52:43
Size: 632
Editor: anonymous
Comment: #Nabucodonozor
Revision 284 as of 2008-06-23 18:28:38
Size: 1699
Editor: jaromil
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<body text="silver" bgcolor="black" link="#5959ab" alink="#d9d9f3"
<font face="comic sans ms" size="4"> </font>
<marquee behavior="alternate" scrolldelay="9">
<h1><font face="comic sans ms" size="4">Nabucodonozor OwnZ You!!!</font></h1>
<center> <font face="comic sans ms" size="4">&nbsp; <font size="1"><br>
by _b4rt_<br>
Irc.BrasNet.Org - #Nabucodonozor <br>
Members: LinuxNaVeia - _b4rt_ - _YounGster_<br>
<a href="mailto:_b4rt_@brasnet.org">_b4rt_@brasnet.org </a></font></center>
#acl DyneGroup,WikiAdminGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read
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 . http://www.dynebolic.org/dynebolic_penguin_yellow.png
 * Frequently Asked Questions for http://dynebolic.org on DynebolicFaq
== Netsukuku wiki ==
 . http://netsukuku.freaknet.org/logo_ntk_trans_kana.png
 * [wiki:Self:Netsukuku Netsukuku wiki] ([http://netsukuku.freaknet.org homepage)]
== FreakNet ==
 . http://freaknet.org/img/freaknet.png
 * [FreakNet] wiki: works in progress (sorry, staff only! ;)
== radio onda rossa program ==
 . http://www.ondarossa.info/immagini/logo2.gif
 * [wiki:Self:rorinterattiva rorinterattiva] interactive program of [http://www.ondarossa.info radio onda rossa] (ITA)
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 * [wiki:Self:cinelerra/wiki cinelerra wiki] for community version of [http://cvs.cinelerra.org cinelerra]
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Welcome to dyne.org wiki :-)

/!\ We've always been open for writing to anyone, but recently we are suffering from heavy spam, so a simple password is needed in order to edit.... at least until we find a better way to protect from spam. [http://dyne.org/hackers_contact.php Contact] us if you need it. /!\


[dyne:bolic] FAQ

Netsukuku wiki


radio onda rossa program

cinelerra wiki

Other pages

BrowsingSuggestions: some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare

what is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org

why is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php


FrontPage (last edited 2017-09-03 12:58:52 by asbesto)