Differences between revisions 220 and 285 (spanning 65 versions)
Revision 220 as of 2004-08-27 17:52:17
Size: 3758
Editor: anonymous
Revision 285 as of 2008-06-26 09:52:02
Size: 1703
Editor: anonymous
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= Welcome to dyne.org wiki =
what is a '''wiki'''? -> HelpForBeginners
what is '''dyne.org'''? -> http://dyne.org
why is '''dyne.org'''? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php
do you want to join dyne.org? -> ToDo
#acl DyneGroup,WikiAdminGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read
= Welcome to dyne.org wiki :-) =

We've always been open for writing to anyone, but recently we are suffering from heavy spam, so a simple password is needed in order to edit.... at least until we find a better way to protect from spam. [[http://dyne.org/hackers_contact.php|Contact]] us if you need it.

== [dyne:bolic] FAQ ==
 . {{http://www.dynebolic.org/dynebolic_penguin_yellow.png}}
 * Frequently Asked Questions for http://dynebolic.org on DynebolicFaq
== Netsukuku wiki ==
 . {{http://netsukuku.freaknet.org/logo_ntk_trans_kana.png}}
 * [[Netsukuku|Netsukuku wiki]] ([[http://netsukuku.freaknet.org|homepage)]]
== FreakNet ==
 . {{http://freaknet.org/img/freaknet.png}}
 * [FreakNet] wiki: works in progress (sorry, staff only! ;)
== radio onda rossa program ==
 . {{http://www.ondarossa.info/immagini/logo2.gif}}
 * [[rorinterattiva|rorinterattiva]] interactive program of [[http://www.ondarossa.info|radio onda rossa]] (ITA)
== cinelerra wiki ==
 . {{http://cvs.cinelerra.org/cinelerra.png}}
 * [[cinelerra/wiki|cinelerra wiki]] for community version of [[http://cvs.cinelerra.org|cinelerra]]
== Other pages ==
 * [[http://lab.dyne.org/HelpContents|Help to browse for other pages]]
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  || what you can find here (among other things) ||
== [dyne:bolic] live CD ==
 * homepage http://dynebolic.org (free ISO download)
 * User's community documentation on DyneBolic with sub-pages
 * Frequently Asked Questions on DynebolicFaq
 * bug reporting interface on http://bugs.dyne.org
BrowsingSuggestions: some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare
 '' what is a '''wiki'''? -> HelpForBeginners ''
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  == music and freedom ==
 * OpenAudio an attempt to translate the [http://www.eff.org EFF] open audio (by pinna)
'' what is '''dyne.org'''? -> http://dyne.org ''

'' why is '''dyne.org'''? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php ''
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  || some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare ||
== mi.s.fu ==
 * carillon industriali http://misfu.dyne.org
 * Carne vibrazione e silicio in bilico fra la poltrona e la presa di corrente http://tubocatodico.dyne.org
 * Flesh vibration and silicon between the comfy couch and the mains plug
== mitocondri ==
 * enjoy the music by http://mitocondri.dyne.org [http://lavoix.dev-6.com/ .]
== FARAH ==
 * joy in the occupied territories of palestine http://farah.dyne.org

===think you ====

*[http://www.aerohose.com Flexible metal Hose]
*[http://www.aerohose.com/english/product.htm Flexible metal Hose product]
*[http://www.kangdachemical.online.sh.cn &#33014;&#31896;&#21058;-&#31896;&#21512;&#21058;-&#22609;&#33014;&#36305;&#36947;]
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*[http://www.sinski.com/pro/pro_index.asp &#30005;&#21160;&#36710;]
*[http://www.wxals.com &#30005;&#21160;&#36710;]
*[http://www.ukeas.com.cn &#33521;&#22269;&#30041;&#23398;,&#30041;&#23398;&#33521;&#22269;]
*[http://www.airtrip.com.cn &#26426;&#31080;]
*[http://www.54eo.com &#32593;&#31449;&#25512;&#24191;&#65292;google&#25490;&#21517;]
*[http://jipiaoyuding.freewebpage.org &#26426;&#31080; &#26426;&#31080;&#39044;&#23450; &#29305;&#20215;&#26426;&#31080; &#25171;&#25240;&#26426;&#31080;]
*[http://english1.freewebpage.org &#33521;&#22269;&#30041;&#23398; &#30041;&#23398;&#33521;&#22269;]
*[http://motuoche.freewebpage.org &#25705;&#25176;&#36710;&#30005;&#21160;&#36710;]
*[http://zhinengicka.freewebpage.org &#26234;&#33021;&#21345;IC&#21345;]
*[http://wrapper.freewebpage.org &#21253;&#35013;&#26448;&#26009;]
*[http://famen01.freewebpage.org &#38400;&#38376;-&#27893;&#38400;]
*[http://chinajixie.freewebpage.org &#20154;&#25165;&#20013;&#20171;]
*[http://meishi.freewebpage.org &#32654;&#39135;&#22825;&#22320;]
*[http://zhangming07.freewebpage.org &#25163;&#22871;-&#30495;&#30382;&#25163;&#22871;-&#30382;&#21046;&#25163;&#22871;]
*[http://liming600.freewebpage.org &#26377;&#26426;&#29627;&#29827;-&#29627;&#29827;]
*[http://hegang55.freewebpage.org &#30005;&#21160;&#36710;]
*[http://wangda21.freewebpage.org &#24615;&#29992;&#21697;-&#25104;&#20154;&#29992;&#21697;]

||<tablestyle="width: 100%; background: #E6EAF0;"> <<RandomQuote>>||

Welcome to dyne.org wiki :-)

/!\ We've always been open for writing to anyone, but recently we are suffering from heavy spam, so a simple password is needed in order to edit.... at least until we find a better way to protect from spam. Contact us if you need it. /!\

[dyne:bolic] FAQ

Netsukuku wiki


  • http://freaknet.org/img/freaknet.png

  • [FreakNet] wiki: works in progress (sorry, staff only! ;)

radio onda rossa program

cinelerra wiki

Other pages

BrowsingSuggestions: some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare

what is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org

why is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php

Hint: Edit the FortuneCookies page to display randomly selected wisdom here.

FrontPage (last edited 2017-09-03 12:58:52 by asbesto)