Differences between revisions 26 and 298 (spanning 272 versions)
Revision 26 as of 2001-08-16 10:24:28
Size: 2626
Editor: anonymous
Revision 298 as of 2015-03-29 12:32:49
Size: 2176
Editor: jaromil
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= kitchen.dyne.org = #acl DyneGroup,WikiAdminGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read
= Welcome to dyne.org wiki :-) =
 . /!\ This wiki exists since 2001 and it was mostly open for edit to anyone and anonymously, but we have suffered from heavy spam. So now '''you need to contact us to enabled you to write on this wiki. Contact us on irc.dyne.org #dyne or http://dyne.org/contact
 . /!\ Questo wiki esiste dal 2001 ed e' stato sempre aperto a tutti, finche' non e' arrivato lo spam. Ora '''e' necessario essere inclusi nella Kasta''' per poter creare e modificare pagine. Ti preghiamo di venire sul canale #dyne usando [[https://irc.dyne.org|irc.dyne.org]] (SSL porta 9999) e chiedere di essere incluso/a nella Kasta. '''RICORDA DI SPECIFICARE IL TUO NOME UTENTE''' quando ci comunichi il tuo desiderio di essere nella Kasta.
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Welcome to our kitchen: here you'll find discussions, ideas, drafts, comments and links inherent to dyne.org projects and initiatives.
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Please note many things here are under construction: /!\ '''Ricorda: la Kasta e' il MALE''' e facendone parte '''TU SARAI IL MALE'''.
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You are really welcome to contribute: write to <kitchen@dyne.org> if you think you will.
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== concept / philosophy ==  <<TableOfContents(2)>>
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Here you should be able to read more about dyne.org concept, learn about the connection between heraclitus and the moebius strip, our activity and our vision of the rhizome. == [dyne:bolic] FAQ ==
 . {{http://new.dyne.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/dynebolic_cd-300x300.jpg}}
 * Frequently Asked Questions for http://dynebolic.org on DynebolicFaq
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  * DyneManifesto /!\
  * DyneProfile /!\
== Netsukuku wiki ==
 * [[Netsukuku|Netsukuku wiki]] ([[http://netsukuku.freaknet.org|homepage]])
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== software / projects == == Freej wiki ==
 . {{http://freej.org/ipernav-trans.png}}
 * [[Freej|Freej wiki]] ([[http://freej.dyne.org|homepage]])
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Here you find listed the FreeSofware projects developed into dyne.org laboratories. == radio onda rossa program ==
 . {{http://www.ondarossa.info/themes/inove/img/logo.png}}
 * [[rorinterattiva]] interactive program of [[http://www.ondarossa.info|radio onda rossa]] (ITA)
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  * [http://ascii.dyne.org HasciiCam] - (h)ascii 4 the masses!
  * [http://muse.dyne.org MuSE] - Multiple Streaming Engine
  * [http://www.hascii.org Hascii] - codec compressed ascii streaming /!\
  * [http://freej.dyne.org FreeJ] - unified framework for realtime video processing
== cinelerra wiki ==
 . {{http://cvs.cinelerra.org/cinelerra.png}}
 * [[cinelerra/wiki|cinelerra wiki]] for community version of [[http://cvs.cinelerra.org|cinelerra]]
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== events / performances == == Other pages ==
 * [[http://lab.dyne.org/HelpContents|Help to browse for other pages]]
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Here are listed the events and performances we produce (in collaboration when specified), if you're organizing an event feel free to get informed and ask for availability: these projects let us show some uses of our software and gather contributions for further development on them. Also proposals for collaborations are very welcome. ----
 . BrowsingSuggestions: some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare
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|||| performance || in collaboration with ||
|| [http://atj.dyne.org AtlanticTransferJam] || transatlantic networked jam session || monique berger ||
|| TheMitocondri || freejazz and freesoftware big band || [http://misfu.dyne.org mi.s.fu], [http://entertrip.voyanet.org chaos league] ||
|| OspitalitaDellaLingua /!\ |||| [http://ib-arts.dyne.org ib-arts] ||
|| SophisticatedSoiree /!\ || heartbeat controlled sound and visuals performance || 92v2.0 ||
|| [http://giardini.sm/projects/metamorfosi/index.htm Metamorfosi] || live theatre || [http://giardini.sm giardini pensili] ||
 . '' what is a '''wiki'''? -> HelpForBeginners ''
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== workshops / seminars == '' what is '''dyne.org'''? -> http://dyne.org ''
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Here you see initiatives in order to spread our know-how, length and size of sessions may vary depending on available timespace, feel free to ask for availability and discuss about your intentions: knowledge sharing represents our main mission. '' why is '''dyne.org'''? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php ''
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  * HasciiStreaming - (h)ascii 4 the masses! /!\
  * DiyNetworkRadio - network homebrewed streaming radio
  * BeFreeJay - realtime video processing and linear editing /!\
  * NuovaCommediaDellArte - a new mask for the Commedia dell'Arte /!\
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== hacktivism / net-taz ==

  * [http://proximity.dyne.org Proximity] - della prossimita' / about proximity
  * [http://dyne.org/antig8 AntiG8] - genoa 21-22 july 2001
||<tablebgcolor="#e6eaf0" tablewidth="100%"> <<RandomQuote>> ||

Welcome to dyne.org wiki :-)

  • /!\ This wiki exists since 2001 and it was mostly open for edit to anyone and anonymously, but we have suffered from heavy spam. So now you need to contact us to enabled you to write on this wiki. Contact us on irc.dyne.org #dyne or http://dyne.org/contact

  • /!\ Questo wiki esiste dal 2001 ed e' stato sempre aperto a tutti, finche' non e' arrivato lo spam. Ora e' necessario essere inclusi nella Kasta per poter creare e modificare pagine. Ti preghiamo di venire sul canale #dyne usando irc.dyne.org (SSL porta 9999) e chiedere di essere incluso/a nella Kasta. RICORDA DI SPECIFICARE IL TUO NOME UTENTE quando ci comunichi il tuo desiderio di essere nella Kasta.

Ricorda: la Kasta e' il MALE e facendone parte TU SARAI IL MALE.

[dyne:bolic] FAQ

Netsukuku wiki

Freej wiki

radio onda rossa program

cinelerra wiki

Other pages

  • BrowsingSuggestions: some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare

what is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org

why is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php

Hint: you can keep track of RecentChanges pages with rss feed.

FrontPage (last edited 2017-09-03 12:58:52 by asbesto)