Welcome to dyne.org wiki :-)
This wiki exists since 2001 and it was mostly open for edit to anyone and anonymously, but we have suffered from heavy spam. So now you need to create a user and then be enabled to write.
If you want to edit pages please come to the #dyne channel on irc.dyne.org (SSL port 9999) and ask to be included in the ContributorsGroup specifying your username here.
Questo wiki esiste dal 2001 ed e' stato sempre aperto a tutti, finche' non e' arrivato lo spam. Ora e' necessario farsi un utente per poter scrivere e modificare pagine.
Se vuoi scrivere ti preghiamo di venire sul canale #dyne usando irc.dyne.org (SSL porta 9999) e chiedere di essere incluso/a nel ContributorsGroup specificando il tuo nome utente qui.
[dyne:bolic] FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions for http://dynebolic.org on DynebolicFaq
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Freej wiki
radio onda rossa program
rorinterattiva interactive program of radio onda rossa (ITA)
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cinelerra wiki for community version of cinelerra
Other pages
BrowsingSuggestions: some suggestions on where to browse || alcuni suggerimenti di siti da surfare
what is a wiki? -> HelpForBeginners
what is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org
why is dyne.org? -> http://dyne.org/hackers.php
Standards are different for all things, so the standard set by man is by no means the only 'certain' standard. |