Differences between revisions 5 and 7 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2015-01-07 18:40:20
Size: 6345
Editor: asbesto
Revision 7 as of 2015-01-07 19:51:16
Size: 6311
Editor: asbesto
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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''Questo howto in lingua italiana: [[OriginalTetrisHowto/IT]]''

''by Emiliano, editing, debigging and test by Stefania, Ono Sendai & Asbesto''

Original ingredients:
Versione Italiana di questo howto: [[OriginalTetrisHowto/IT]]

''Original version by Emiliano; translation by Stefania; editing, debugging and testing by Stefania, Ono Sendai & Asbesto''

Original flavours:
Line 15: Line 15:
We will use instead: 

 - Debian GNU/Linux 7 "wheezy"
 - SIMH PDP-11 emulator
 - MESS 15ИЭ-00-013 emulator
 - RT-11 disk image
 - and obviously an original disk image with TETRIS :)
We will use instead:

 * Debian GNU/Linux 7 "wheezy"
 * SIMH PDP-11 emulator
 * MESS 15ИЭ-00-013 emulator
 * RT-11 disk image
 * and obviously an original disk image with TETRIS
Line 25: Line 25:
 - Le software house occidentali hanno ricavato miliardi da tetris senza offrire al suo autore Aleksej Pažitnov neanche un cicchetto di vodka.

 - I compagni ingegneri dell'ex URSS hanno spudoratamente copiato l'hardware sul quale sara' sviluppato Tetris dai sistemi della ex Digital Equipment Corporation.

 - Sembra dunque che in tutta questa storia tutti se ne siano allegramente stracatafottuti di diritti d'autore, segreti industriali e quant'altro.

In un'ottica di accurata ricostruzione filologica, faremo anche noi lo stesso, fornendo tutto cio' che occorre senza farci troppi problemi.

=== FASE 1: SIMH ===

serve installare simh-pdp11. si fa cosi':
 * Western software houses earned millions from Tetris without offering a single dollar, nor a vodka glass to Aleksej Pažitnov, the original Tetris author.
 * Ex USSR Soviet Engineers, have shamelessly copied the hardware in which Tetris will be developed from ex Digital Equipment Corportation systems.
 * It seems that in the whole story everybody did not care at ALL about copyrights, industrial secrets, rights in general.

Looking forward to give you a perfect historical reconstruction, we will act the same, giving you everything needed without asking any problems or what else.
=== PHASE 1: SIMH ===

We must install simh-pdp11. Here it is how to do it:
Line 44: Line 42:
la compilazione sputera' l'eseguibile del simulatore pdp-11 in "BIN/pdp11". Possiamo installarlo in /usr/local/bin/ da bravi installatori precisini. The compiling will save the pdp-11 emulator executable in "BIN/pdp11". We can now install it into /usr/local/bin/ acting like perfect unix installers.
Line 50: Line 48:
ora possiamo installare il sistema adoperativo RT-11 per l'hardware emulato.

ecco la mia immagine disco con RT-11 gia' installato e pronto all'uso:
Now we can install the RT-11 operative system for the emulated hardware.
Here it is our RT-11 disk image already installed and ready to use:
Line 58: Line 55:
ed ecco l'immagine del disco con i giochini sovietici per FOBOS, che girano senza problemi anche su RT-11. And here it is the soviet games disk image for FOBOS. They perfectly run on RT-11 too :)
Line 64: Line 61:
prepariamo una conf che fa il boot del nuovo sisthema RT-11 dal disco rl0 e aggancia al media rl1 l'immagine disco coi giochini sovieti: So, let’s prepare a config for booting the new RT-11 system from rl0 disk and attaching to the media a rl1 disk image with the soviet games:
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a questo punto, sul versante SIMH abbiamo tutto pronto. teniamolo in caldo.


In pratica anna certa dentro MAME e' confluito il codice del progetto MESS, che emula una serie di computer e ferraglia di vario genere, tra cui (nelle ultime release) alcuni vecchi computer dell'ex blocco Est.

E' qui che occorre fermarsi un attimo, uscire di casa e acquistare un bottiglione di vodka liscia, da sorseggiare per sopportare le tante piccole cagate che tenteranno di ostacolare la nostra strada verso il socialismo videoludico.

E dunque, ci serve una versione nuova di MESS, che supporta anche il terminale dell'Elektronika 60M: il ficherrimo "15ИЭ-00-013", clone del DEC VT52 con gli indispensabili caratteri cirillici integrati.

Inutile dire che la comoda versione di MESS presente negli archivi Debian NON VA BENE. Quindi, ci tocca scaricare e compilare i sorgenti di MAME/MESS.
And now everything is ready on the SIMH side. Let’s keep this hot for later!


Well, what to say…. Suddenly MESS project code has been marged inside MAME. It emulates a lot of old stuff hardware, like (in the last release) some of the Eastern side old computers.
This points need a stop. We have to go outside, buy a vodka bottle, and drink it, while the rest of the damn installation will try to bring us to the socialist video fun.
So, we need a new MESS version, that supports the Elektronika 60M terminal: the astonishing Elektronika 60M, DEC VT52 clone, with the indispensable cyrillic encoding inside.
It’s quite obvious saying that the easy and comfortable MESS version present in Debian archives DOES NOT WORK for us. So, we need to download and compile the MAME/MESS sources.
Line 101: Line 97:
scompattiamo l'archivio zip
We unzip the ZIP archive and…..
Line 107: Line 102:
otteniamo... un altro archivio zip ( LOL???? o_O ), vabbe'... we get ANOTHER ZIP archive…… LOL ;)
Line 113: Line 108:
installiamo ordunque le seguenti cose
Let’s finally install the following stuff:
Line 119: Line 113:
ora possiamo finalmente compilare MESS
Now we defintely compile MESS
Line 126: Line 119:
e dopo i tempi biblici richiesti per compilare VENTUORDICIMILA sorgenti and… after biblical time needed to compile our fantastillions sources…..
Line 134: Line 127:
Quando abbiamo quasi finito la vodka ci serve un'ultima cosa, i firmware del terminale sovietico. Stanno qui: And when the vodka seems to be over….. a last thing is needed, soviet terminal firmwares. They are here:
Line 143: Line 136:
==== Ubuntu 14.4 LTS ====

Stefania point out that something is missing. She had to do also:
==== Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop ====

On Ubuntu 14.04 if you did not install the server stuff, you’d need also to install the following libs (at least Stefania had to):
Line 154: Line 147:
A questo punto dobbiamo sapere che MESS non compilera', anche se siamo in possesso delle librerie di sviluppo richieste, che sembrano essere:

SDL, SDL_TTF, automoc (e forse altre cose che trovo gia' installate su questo sistema, impossibile saperlo dalla tanto prolissa quanto INUTILE documentazione di MAME/MESS)

installiamo ordunque invano le seguenti cose
We also have to know that MESS won’t compile, also if we have all the requested develop libraries, that seems to be:

SDL, SDL_TTF, automoc (and maybe also other stuff that are already built on this system. But it’s impossible for me to know from the huge and such USELESS MAME/MESS documentation….)

So, let’s install these stuff:
Line 164: Line 157:
la compilazione lamentera' comunque stupidi problemi con SDL_TTF, ragion per cui passeremo preventivamente a installare SDL_TTF e SDL (non si sa mai) A MANINA. In any case compiling these will show a lot of stupid warnings and problems with SDL_TTF,that’s why we will install SDL_TTF and SDL
(never say never, it may help) HANDY.
Line 177: Line 172:
=== FASE 3: TETRIS :) ===

ora possiamo finalmente lanciare l'emulatore del pdp11 con SIMH
=== PHASE 3: TETRIS ===

Finally we can launch the PDP11 emulator with SIMH
Line 185: Line 180:
e, subito dopo, l'emulatore del terminale 15ИЭ-00-013 con MESS and suddenly the 15ИЭ-00-013 emulator trough MESS
Line 191: Line 186:
al prompt di RT-11 possiamo eseguire Tetris prestidigitando At the RT-11 prompt we can now execute Tetris magicallydigiting:
Line 197: Line 192:
e giocare finalmente all'unico vero Tetris!

si gioca col tastierino numerico: tasti 7, 8, 9 e 5 :)

alla fine di una partita, dopo aver inserito il nome per la classifica

 - per giocare di nuovo: D ("DA")
 - per uscire: N ("NIET")


la lista degli altri giochi presenti sul disco sovietico si ottiene digitando in RT-11
And finally play at the original, one and only Tetris!

You can play with the numeric keypad, key 7, 8, 9 and 5.

At the end of a match, after writing your name in the top ranking:

 * To play again: D ("DA")
 * To leave: N ("NIET")

Another little tip:

To show the list of other games present in the soviet disc, just digit in RT-11:
Line 215: Line 210:


Versione Italiana di questo howto: OriginalTetrisHowto/IT

Original version by Emiliano; translation by Stefania; editing, debugging and testing by Stefania, Ono Sendai & Asbesto

Original flavours:

  • ELEKTRONIKA 60M COMPUTER (DEC PDP-11/23 sovietic clone)
  • 15ИЭ-00-013 TERMINAL (DEC VT52 sovietic clone)
  • FOBOS OPERATING SYSTEM (DEC RT-11 sovietic clone)

We will use instead:

  • Debian GNU/Linux 7 "wheezy"
  • SIMH PDP-11 emulator
  • MESS 15ИЭ-00-013 emulator
  • RT-11 disk image
  • and obviously an original disk image with TETRIS


  • Western software houses earned millions from Tetris without offering a single dollar, nor a vodka glass to Aleksej Pažitnov, the original Tetris author.
  • Ex USSR Soviet Engineers, have shamelessly copied the hardware in which Tetris will be developed from ex Digital Equipment Corportation systems.
  • It seems that in the whole story everybody did not care at ALL about copyrights, industrial secrets, rights in general.

Looking forward to give you a perfect historical reconstruction, we will act the same, giving you everything needed without asking any problems or what else.


We must install simh-pdp11. Here it is how to do it:

wget http://simh.trailing-edge.com/sources/simhv39-0.zip
unzip simhv39-0.zip -d simhv39-0
cd simhv39-0
make pdp11

The compiling will save the pdp-11 emulator executable in "BIN/pdp11". We can now install it into /usr/local/bin/ acting like perfect unix installers.

sudo cp BIN/pdp11 /usr/local/bin/

Now we can install the RT-11 operative system for the emulated hardware. Here it is our RT-11 disk image already installed and ready to use:

wget http://astio.ciotoni.net/tetris/rl0.dsk

And here it is the soviet games disk image for FOBOS. They perfectly run on RT-11 too :)

wget http://astio.ciotoni.net/tetris/games.dsk

So, let’s prepare a config for booting the new RT-11 system from rl0 disk and attaching to the media a rl1 disk image with the soviet games:

cat > rt11.ini <<__EOF
set cpu 11/23+ 256K
set rl0 writeenabled
set rl0 rl02
attach rl0 rl0.dsk
set rl0 badblock
attach rl1 games.dsk
set throttle 100k
set console telnet=2323
set console pchar=37777777777
boot rl0

And now everything is ready on the SIMH side. Let’s keep this hot for later!


Well, what to say…. Suddenly MESS project code has been marged inside MAME. It emulates a lot of old stuff hardware, like (in the last release) some of the Eastern side old computers. This points need a stop. We have to go outside, buy a vodka bottle, and drink it, while the rest of the damn installation will try to bring us to the socialist video fun. So, we need a new MESS version, that supports the Elektronika 60M terminal: the astonishing Elektronika 60M, DEC VT52 clone, with the indispensable cyrillic encoding inside. It’s quite obvious saying that the easy and comfortable MESS version present in Debian archives DOES NOT WORK for us. So, we need to download and compile the MAME/MESS sources.

wget http://emumovies.com/aarongiles/releases/mame0156s.zip

We unzip the ZIP archive and…..

unzip mame0156s.zip

we get ANOTHER ZIP archive…… LOL ;)

unzip mame.zip -d mame0156

Let’s finally install the following stuff:

sudo aptitude install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev automoc

Now we defintely compile MESS

cd mame0156
make TARGET=mess

and… after biblical time needed to compile our fantastillions sources…..

sudo cp mess /usr/local/bin/


And when the vodka seems to be over….. a last thing is needed, soviet terminal firmwares. They are here:

wget http://astio.ciotoni.net/tetris/ie15.zip
wget http://astio.ciotoni.net/tetris/ie15_keyboard.zip
unzip ie15.zip
unzip ie15_keyboard.zip

Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop

On Ubuntu 14.04 if you did not install the server stuff, you’d need also to install the following libs (at least Stefania had to):

sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev
sudo apt-get install g++

Debian 7

We also have to know that MESS won’t compile, also if we have all the requested develop libraries, that seems to be:

SDL, SDL_TTF, automoc (and maybe also other stuff that are already built on this system. But it’s impossible for me to know from the huge and such USELESS MAME/MESS documentation….)

So, let’s install these stuff:

sudo aptitude install libsdl2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev automoc

In any case compiling these will show a lot of stupid warnings and problems with SDL_TTF,that’s why we will install SDL_TTF and SDL (never say never, it may help) HANDY.

wget https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.3.zip
unzip SDL2-2.0.3.zip && cd SDL2-2.0.3
sudo ./configure && make && make install

wget https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/release/SDL2_ttf-2.0.12.zip
unzip SDL2_ttf-2.0.12.zip && cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12
sudo ./configure && make && make install


Finally we can launch the PDP11 emulator with SIMH

pdp11 rt11.ini

and suddenly the 15ИЭ-00-013 emulator trough MESS

mess -bitbngr socket.localhost:2323 ie15 -rompath . -window

At the RT-11 prompt we can now execute Tetris magicallydigiting:


And finally play at the original, one and only Tetris!

You can play with the numeric keypad, key 7, 8, 9 and 5.

At the end of a match, after writing your name in the top ranking:

  • To play again: D ("DA")
  • To leave: N ("NIET")

Another little tip:

To show the list of other games present in the soviet disc, just digit in RT-11:



OriginalTetrisHowto (last edited 2017-01-04 13:52:32 by asbesto)