dyne.org TODO

We are open to contributions!! and this page is meant to organize them and help people to find out what they can do to join our projects.

This page can be edited by anyone, so lets try to keep it clean and organized and to notice correctly what we are doing to avoid duplicate efforts.

If you are wondering how to use and edit this wiki page, have a look at HelpForBeginners!

Inquiries and questions, any information more you need or to better notice you are doing something: mail hackers@dyne.org


(!) role

<!> description

who is doing ;)

[http://freej.dyne.org FreeJ] docu mantainer

needs documentation! on how to use it, how to install things to make it work, what can be done and what cannot


[http://muse.dyne.org MuSE] docu mantainer

the [http://muse.dyne.org USAGE] file should be worked out in html, with screenshots and detailed dumb-proof informations on how to operate muse!

NOBODY (was asbesto but he is a LAZY BASTARD)

DyneBolic docu mantainer

we have an html documentation included into the CD which can be browsed on the startup with a customized navigator, that documentation should be kept up to date as new features come in


graphix and design

(!) role

<!> description

who is doing ;)

dyne.org pixel artist

make it better as it is (at the moment all the pages and graphix have been done by jaromil) : do better the small dyne.org logo and some "powered by" buttons for the softwares, think about design particulars and icons


DyneBolic designer

a new logo and a consistent design for the dynebolic bootable CD

m_0, mustafa, alex, maox

DyneBolic webmaster

nice & lovely brand new pages are being done to be hosted on pvl.at which is actively supporting the project


http://freej.org webmaster

it should be builded ground up a place where to exchange documentation, ideas and plugins for http://freej.dyne.org


php coding

(!) project

<!> description

who is doing ;)

timezones open publishing system

we want a system to let people insert their own "timezones", which then need to be reviewed to show the ones that are related to dyne.org projects! for instance you are doing a performance with freej or a stream with muse, then you can have it published also on our pages with a small link and description


|| hackers identities database || we need a database backend and CMS for the list of hackers you can see on http://dyne.org/hackers.php || NOBODY